Python NameError: nome global 'resolução' não está definido


Estou trabalhando no desenvolvimento de um aplicativo python para o Ubuntu que permite que um usuário tenha sua resolução desejada sem exigir drivers gráficos.
Para fazer isso, estou usando xrandr .
No entanto, eu já encontrei um problema, apesar de procurar por outros com problemas semelhantes e tentar as correções.

Aqui está o meu código (eu sou novo no Python, sendo este o meu primeiro aplicativo, então o código provavelmente será muito confuso e ineficiente para os outros - eu também preciso realocar um pouco do código, mas espero que seja legível):


import gtk, sys
import os, commands     # enables us to use xrandr

class ResolutionX(gtk.Window):

    # create an instance of ResolutionX
    def __init__(self):
        # constructor
        super(ResolutionX, self).__init__()

        # set the default window values
        self.set_size_request(600, 200)

        fix = gtk.Fixed()

        # resolution combo box
        ResComboB = gtk.combo_box_new_text()
        ResComboB.append_text('1024 x 768')
        ResComboB.append_text('1280 x 960')
        ResComboB.append_text('1366 x 768')
        ResComboB.append_text('1280 x 1024')
        ResComboB.append_text('1440 x 900')
        ResComboB.append_text('1440 x 960')
        ResComboB.append_text('1440 x 1080')
        ResComboB.append_text('1600 x 1200')
        ResComboB.append_text('1920 x 1080')
        ResComboB.append_text('1920 x 1200')
        ResComboB.connect("changed", ResComboB_changed)

        label = gtk.Label("Resolution:")

        # apply button
        applyBtn = gtk.Button("Apply")
        applyBtn.set_size_request(110, 29)
        applyBtn.connect("clicked", applyBtn_on_clicked)

        # add widgets to the main window
        fix.put(ResComboB, 98, 78)
        fix.put(label, 30, 85)
        fix.put(applyBtn, 470, 78)

        self.connect("destroy", gtk.main_quit)

def ResComboB_changed(ResComboB):
    string = ResComboB.get_active_text()
    stringRes = string.replace("x", "")
    echo = "echo "
    stringConfig = os.popen("cvt " + stringRes).readlines()

    # TODO: create a hidden directory in /home folder

    # create the file []
    fWrite = open('', 'w')
    # write the xrandr configuration into the file so we can edit it
    print >> fWrite, stringConfig

    fRead = open('', 'r')

    # TODO: remove last 4 characters from readString // DONE

    # get input from [] and edit  according to the choice of resolution
    if (string=="1024 x 768"):
        for line in fRead:
            storedString = line
            readString = storedString[83:]
            readString = readString[:76]
            print readString # verification
            resolution = readString[:16]
    if (string=="1366 x 768"):
        for line in fRead:
            storedString = line
            readString = storedString[76:]
            readString = readString[:76]
            print readString # verification
            resolution = readString[:16]
    if (string=="1280 x 960") or (string=="1440 x 900"):
        for line in fRead:
            storedString = line
            readString = storedString[84:]
            readString = readString[:77]
            print readString # verification
            resolution = readString[:16]
    if (string=="1440 x 960"):
        for line in fRead:
            storedString = line
            readString = storedString[77:]
            readString = readString[:76]
            print readString # verification
            resolution = readString[:16]
    if (string=="1280 x 1024") or (string=="1440 x 1080") or (string=="1600 x 1200") or (string=="1920 x 1080") or (string=="1920 x 1200"):
        for line in fRead:
            storedString = line
            readString = storedString[85:]
            readString = readString[:81]
            print readString # verification
            resolution = readString[:17]
    os.system("xrandr --newmode " + readString)


def applyBtn_on_clicked(applyBtn):

    # detect and store monitor output type - eg. VGA1, DVI-0
    monitorType = os.popen("xrandr | grep ' connected ' | awk '{ print$1 }'").readlines()
    fWrite = open('', 'w')
    print >> fWrite, monitorType
    # get the input from []
    fRead = open('', 'r')
    for line in fRead:
        CmonitorType = line
    # edit CmonitorType so we can use it
    CmonitorType = CmonitorType[2:]
    CmonitorType = CmonitorType[:7]
    print CmonitorType # verification

    os.system("xrandr --addmode " + CmonitorType + resolution)


Eu recebo este erro: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 129, in applyBtn_on_clicked os.system("xrandr --addmode " + CmonitorType + resolution) NameError: global name 'resolution' is not defined

Como posso resolver este problema?

por TellMeWhy 22.06.2015 / 21:47

1 resposta


Faça as seguintes alterações no seu script:

Abaixo da linha def ResComboB_changed(ResComboB): , adicione o seguinte a ele, assim parece:

def ResComboB_changed(ResComboB):
    global resolution

ou adicione resolution = "" acima da linha def assim:

resolution = ""
def ResComboB_changed(ResComboB):

Espero que ajude ;)

por Terrance 22.06.2015 / 22:05