Não é possível conectar-se ao servidor VPN PPTP


Estou enfrentando problemas ao tentar se conectar a um servidor windows vpn. No meu win 8 posso me conectar sem problemas; quando eu vou para o meu Ubuntu eu não consigo conectar-me à vpn. É o mesmo desktop, então o mesmo roteador.

Eu verifiquei as propriedades do roteador, ele tem a propriedade PPTP PassThrough habilitada.

Eu tentei várias opções pesquisando este e outros fóruns, por exemplo, eu apliquei todos esses itens, mas ainda o mesmo problema: Falha ao conectar-se ao servidor VPN PPTP no Ubuntu

Este é o meu / var / log / syslog:

Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> Starting VPN service 'pptp'...
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> VPN service 'pptp' started (org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.pptp), PID 4073
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> VPN service 'pptp' appeared; activating connections
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> VPN plugin state changed: starting (3)
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> VPN connection 'AMN' (Connect) reply received.
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC pppd[4077]: Plugin /usr/lib/pppd/2.4.5/nm-pptp-pppd-plugin.so loaded.
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC pppd[4077]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC pppd[4077]: Using interface ppp1
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC pppd[4077]: Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/11
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC NetworkManager[930]:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: devices added (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/ppp1, iface: ppp1)
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC NetworkManager[930]:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: device added (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/ppp1, iface: ppp1): no ifupdown configuration found.
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <warn> /sys/devices/virtual/net/ppp1: couldn't determine device driver; ignoring...
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC pptp[4081]: nm-pptp-service-4073 log[main:pptp.c:314]: The synchronous pptp option is NOT activated
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC pptp[4020]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: Sent control packet type is 7 'Outgoing-Call-Request'
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC pptp[4020]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:858]: Received Outgoing Call Reply.
Jun 29 16:14:41 myPC pptp[4020]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:897]: Outgoing call established (call ID 1, peer's call ID 31406).
Jun 29 16:15:07 myPC pptp[4020]: anon log[logecho:pptp_ctrl.c:677]: Echo Request received.
Jun 29 16:15:07 myPC pptp[4020]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: Sent control packet type is 6 'Echo-Reply'
Jun 29 16:15:09 myPC pptp[4020]: anon log[ctrlp_disp:pptp_ctrl.c:912]: Received Call Clear Request.
Jun 29 16:15:11 myPC kernel: [ 2254.427709] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:8c:04:ff:9b:5b:13:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=28 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=0 PROTO=2 
Jun 29 16:15:11 myPC kernel: [ 2254.427961] [UFW BLOCK] IN=eth0 OUT= MAC=01:00:5e:00:00:01:8c:04:ff:9b:5b:13:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=32 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=1 ID=0 PROTO=2 
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC pppd[4077]: LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC pppd[4077]: Connection terminated.
Jun 29 16:13:07 myPC avahi-daemon[920]: message repeated 6 times: [ Withdrawing workstation service for ppp0.]
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC avahi-daemon[920]: Withdrawing workstation service for ppp1.
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <warn> VPN plugin failed: 1
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC NetworkManager[930]:    SCPlugin-Ifupdown: devices removed (path: /sys/devices/virtual/net/ppp1, iface: ppp1)
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC pppd[4077]: Modem hangup
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC pptp[4081]: nm-pptp-service-4073 warn[decaps_hdlc:pptp_gre.c:204]: short read (-1): Input/output error
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC pptp[4081]: nm-pptp-service-4073 warn[decaps_hdlc:pptp_gre.c:216]: pppd may have shutdown, see pppd log
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC pptp[4020]: anon log[callmgr_main:pptp_callmgr.c:234]: Closing connection (unhandled)
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC pptp[4020]: anon log[ctrlp_rep:pptp_ctrl.c:251]: Sent control packet type is 12 'Call-Clear-Request'
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC pppd[4077]: Exit.
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <warn> VPN plugin failed: 1
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <warn> VPN plugin failed: 1
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> VPN plugin state changed: stopped (6)
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> VPN plugin state change reason: 0
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> Policy set 'Wired connection 1' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS.
Jun 29 16:15:12 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <warn> error disconnecting VPN: Could not process the request because no VPN connection was active.
Jun 29 16:15:17 myPC NetworkManager[930]: <info> VPN service 'pptp' disappeared

Parece ser um problema com o GRE, mas sou novo no linux e não sei de nada em redes. Então, como posso resolver esse problema?

por Leonardo 29.06.2015 / 21:32

2 respostas


Ok, não se preocupe .. Eu fiz o melhor problema de resolução ..

Desinstale o PPP do Ubuntu Software Center e reinstale tudo com:

sudo apt-get -f install ppp network-manager-pptp pppconfig pppoeconf pptp-linux

Eu criei uma nova conexão VPN a partir do gui e configurei a opção MPPE como true. E funcionou bem! =)

por Leonardo 29.06.2015 / 21:47

Após desligar o computador e ligá-lo novamente no dia seguinte, ele está falhando novamente. Eu já reinstalei o ppp, mas o mesmo problema é enfrentado:

LCP: timeout sending Config-Requests

Qualquer pensamento?

por Leonardo 02.07.2015 / 21:08