Como instalar o Plone?


Estou tentando instalar o Plone . O instalador diz:

$ sudo ./ 

Usage: [sudo] [options] standalone|zeo

Install methods available:
   standalone - install standalone zope instance
   zeo        - install zeo cluster

Use sudo (or run as root) for server-mode install.

Options (see top of for complete list):

  Path to the Python-2.7 that you wish to use with Plone.
  virtualenv will be used to isolate the install.

  If you do not have a suitable Python available, the installer will
  build one for you if you set this option. Requires Internet access
  to download Python source.

  If not specified, a random password will be generated.

  Use to specify top-level path for installs. Plone instances
  and Python will be built inside this directory
  (default is /usr/local/Plone)

  Use with the zeo install method to specify the number of Zope
  clients you wish to create. Default is 2.

  Use to specify the name of the operating instance to be created.
  This will be created inside the target directory.
  Default is 'zinstance' for standalone, 'zeocluster' for ZEO.

  In a server-mode install, sets the effective user for running the
  instance. Default is 'plone_daemon'. Ignored for non-server-mode installs.

  In a server-mode install, sets the overall owner of the installation.
  Default is 'buildout_user'. This is the user id that should be employed
  to run buildout or make src or product changes.
  Ignored for non-server-mode installs.

  In a server-mode install, sets the effective group for the daemon and
  buildout users. Default is 'plone_group'.
  Ignored for non-server-mode installs.

  Specifies the buildout.cfg template filename. The template file must
  be in the buildout_templates subdirectory. Defaults to buildout.cfg.

  Forces a static built of libxml2 and libxslt dependencies. Requires
  Internet access to download components.

Read the top of for more install options.

Mas eu já tenho ibxml2-dev e libxslt-dev instalado, então como instalar o Plone no Ubuntu 14.04?

por Lynob 21.04.2014 / 17:37

1 resposta

Usage: [sudo] [options] standalone|zeo

Você precisa especificar standalone ou zeo .

por saiarcot895 21.04.2014 / 17:42