Como criar um lançador de unidade que faz o monitoramento de arquivos?


Eu gostaria de criar um lançador que faça a mesma coisa que o ícone da lixeira, no qual são mostradas listas rápidas diferentes, dependendo da existência ou não de itens na lixeira.

Eu gostaria de algo como: se a pasta A existir, mostre A,B,C na lista rápida, se a pasta A não existir, mostre D,E,F na lista rápida.

por Rey Leonard Amorato 06.02.2013 / 12:23

1 resposta


Os seguintes trabalhos:

  1. Crie 2 arquivos: mylauncher.desktop e com o conteúdo fornecido abaixo.
  2. Torne o mylauncher.desktop um executável.
  3. Adicione o mylauncher.desktop ao lançador da unidade.
  4. Editar nomes de pastas e pastas no conforme necessário.
  5. Execute python no plano de fundo. Você terá que adicionar isso a um de seus scripts de inicialização.

Fonte: link

Conteúdo do mylauncher.desktop:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=My Launcher
Comment=A,B,C if A else D,E,F
Exec=nautilus %U

Conteúdo do

updateinterval = 1 #Update interval in seconds. Set it to a +ve integer.
#In Foldernames and Folderlocations, spaces shouldn't be preceded by \.
Foldernames = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
Folderlocations = ["/home/prasanth/A", "/home/prasanth/B", "/home/prasanth/C", "/home/prasanth/D", "/home/prasanth/E", "/home/prasanth/F"]

from gi.repository import Unity, Gio, GObject, Dbusmenu
import os, subprocess

def nautilusopen(junk1, junk2, location): #Function that opens 'location' in nautilus. Equivalent to 'nautilus location' in bash.
    subprocess.Popen(['nautilus', "%s" % location])

launcher = Unity.LauncherEntry.get_for_desktop_id("mylauncher.desktop") #You won't have to modify this, except if you rename 'mylauncher.desktop'

#Code block A: This code block builds 6 quicklist entries, 3 for when A is found and 3 for when it isn't
QLentries = [ for i in Foldernames]
for i in xrange(6):
    QLentries[i].property_set(Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_LABEL, "Goto %s" % Foldernames[i])
    QLentries[i].connect("item-activated", nautilusopen, Folderlocations[i])
    QLentries[i].property_set_bool(Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_VISIBLE, True)

#Code block B: This code block creates 2 quicklists 1 for when A is found and 1 for when it isn't. Then it adds the first 3 quicklist entries to QLifA and the next 3 to QLifnotA
QLifA = #Quicklist if A is found
QLifnotA = #Quicklist if A is not found.
for i in xrange(3):
for i in xrange(3, 6):

#The rest of the code simply monitors the file system for A's existence and switches appropriately between QLifA and QLifnotA
prevState = None
def updateql():
    global prevState
    currentState = 'A' if os.path.exists(Folderlocations[0]) else 'notA' #currentState is 'A' if Folderlocations[0] (which is /home/prasanth/A) exists, 'notA' otherwise
    if currentState != prevState:
        if currentState == 'A':
            launcher.set_property("quicklist", QLifA)
            launcher.set_property("quicklist", QLifnotA)
        prevState = currentState
    return True

#GObject.timeout_add_seconds(updateinterval, updateql)
#mainloop = GObject.MainLoop()

#If the 3-line commented block above worked as expected, the remainder of this script would be unnecessary. Unfortunately, it doesn't.
import signal
def alarmhandler(signum, frame):
    raise Exception('Alarm has rung')
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmhandler)

mainloop = GObject.MainLoop()

while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:

EDIT: Use o seguinte como para o propósito mencionado nos comentários. A modificação para atender às suas necessidades deve ser direta e, caso não seja mencionada nos comentários.

from gi.repository import Unity, Gio, GObject, Dbusmenu
import os, subprocess

updateinterval = 1 #Update interval in seconds. Set it to a +ve integer.

#Quicklist entries if already mounted:
ifMountedEntry1text = """Unmount A""" #Text shown in the quicklist menu for this entry.
ifMountedEntry1command = """unmount A""" #Bash command to execute when entry 1 is clicked. Doubt if 'unmount A' will work. Modify appropriately.

ifMountedEntry2text = """Open A""" #Maybe you'll want to open A directly from the launcher. Included just so you get a hang of how this works.
ifMountedEntry2command = """nautilus A"""
#Extend as required.

#Quicklist entries if not already mounted:
ifnotMountedEntry1text = """Mount A"""
ifnotMountedEntry1command = """mount A""" #Again modify 'mount A' appropriately.
#Extend as required.

#My old file monitoring should work. But in case you want to change the criteria for modifying quicklists, it is better to do the following:
filemonitoringcommand = """if [ -d /folder/to/monitor/ ]; then echo True; else echo False; fi;""" #<Bash command>/<location to script> which prints 'True' if A is mounted, 'False' otherwise.

def systemcall(junk1, junk2, command):

launcher = Unity.LauncherEntry.get_for_desktop_id("mylauncher.desktop") #You won't have to modify this, except if you rename 'mylauncher.desktop'

#Quicklist if already mounted:
QLifMounted =

ifMountedEntry1 =
ifMountedEntry1.property_set(Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_LABEL, ifMountedEntry1text) #Sets the text shown in the quicklist menu for this entry.
ifMountedEntry1.connect("item-activated", systemcall, ifMountedEntry1command) #Sets the corresponding bash command.
ifMountedEntry1.property_set_bool(Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_VISIBLE, True)
QLifMounted.child_append(ifMountedEntry1) #Adds the first entry to the quicklist

ifMountedEntry2 =
ifMountedEntry2.property_set(Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_LABEL, ifMountedEntry2text)
ifMountedEntry2.connect("item-activated", systemcall, ifMountedEntry2command)
ifMountedEntry2.property_set_bool(Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_VISIBLE, True)
#Extend as required.

#Quicklist if not already mounted:
QLifnotMounted =

ifnotMountedEntry1 =
ifnotMountedEntry1.property_set(Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_LABEL, ifnotMountedEntry1text)
ifnotMountedEntry1.connect("item-activated", systemcall, ifnotMountedEntry1command)
ifnotMountedEntry1.property_set_bool(Dbusmenu.MENUITEM_PROP_VISIBLE, True)
#Extend as required.

#The rest of the code uses 'filemonitoringcommand' to monitor the filesystem and dynamically modifies (or rather switches between) quicklists.
prevState = None
def updateql():
    global prevState
    currentState = 'True' in os.popen(filemonitoringcommand).read()
    if currentState != prevState:
        if currentState == True:
            launcher.set_property("quicklist", QLifMounted) #If already mounted, sets QLifMounted as the quicklist.
            launcher.set_property("quicklist", QLifnotMounted) #Otherwise sets QLifnotMounted as the quicklist.
        prevState = currentState
    return True

#GObject.timeout_add_seconds(updateinterval, updateql)
#mainloop = GObject.MainLoop()

#If the 3-line commented block above worked as expected, the remainder of this script would be unnecessary. Unfortunately, it doesn't.
import signal
def alarmhandler(signum, frame):
    raise Exception('Alarm has rung')
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, alarmhandler)

mainloop = GObject.MainLoop()

while True:
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
por S Prasanth 15.02.2013 / 13:03