Você pode tentar usar a versão mais recente do GParted Live (atualmente 0.19.1-4). O erro parece estar no comando mkntfs que faz parte do pacote ntfs-3g.
Sempre que tento criar uma partição NTFS com gParted, recebo esse erro (em negrito para facilitar a visualização):
GParted 0.18.0 --enable-libparted-dmraid --enable-online-resize
Libparted 2.3
Create Primary Partition #1 (ntfs, 931.51 GiB) on /dev/sdc 00:10:46 ( ERROR )
create empty partition 00:00:01 ( SUCCESS )
path: /dev/sdc1
start: 2048
end: 1953523711
size: 1953521664 (931.51 GiB)
clear old file system signatures in /dev/sdc1 00:00:06 ( SUCCESS )
write 68.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 0 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 67108864 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 274877906944 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS )
write 4.00 KiB of zeros at byte offset 1000203087872 00:00:00 ( SUCCESS )
flush operating system cache of /dev/sdc 00:00:06 ( SUCCESS )
set partition type on /dev/sdc1 00:00:10 ( SUCCESS )
new partition type: ntfs
create new ntfs file system 00:10:29 ( ERROR )
mkntfs -Q -v -L "sitamsh" /dev/sdc1
Cluster size has been automatically set to 4096 bytes.
Creating NTFS volume structures.
Creating root directory (mft record 5)
Creating $MFT (mft record 0)
Creating $MFTMirr (mft record 1)
Creating $LogFile (mft record 2)
Creating $AttrDef (mft record 4)
Creating $Bitmap (mft record 6)
Error writing to /dev/sdc1: Input/output error
Error writing non-resident attribute value.
Couldn't create $Bitmap: Input/output error
Como posso resolver isso?
Você pode tentar usar a versão mais recente do GParted Live (atualmente 0.19.1-4). O erro parece estar no comando mkntfs que faz parte do pacote ntfs-3g.