Não é possível intall libboost [duplicado]


Eu recebo o seguinte:

myPrompt: ~ $ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Reading package lists ... finished
Dependency tree
Status information is read ... finished
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that
You have requested an impossible situation or if the
Are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have
not created or have not left Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
libboost-all-dev: Depends: libboost-date-time-dev but it is not installable
                    Depends: libboost-python-dev but it is not installable
                    Depends: libboost-thread-dev but it is not installable
E: Problems can not be corrected, you have held broken packages back.

Traduzido do alemão

Eu não tenho ideia do porquê disso. Tentei corrigir isso de acordo com algumas coisas encontradas na web ... Como sudo apt-get -f install

por Michael 10.10.2013 / 14:57

1 resposta


Você tem dependências não atendidas. Tente usar sudo apt-get install -f libboost-all-dev para instalar dependências não atendidas também.

por Chester 10.10.2013 / 19:43