vapor depois de mudar de casa


Eu configurei um tanque ZFS (a partir do busybox de raiz):

mv /home /home-old
zs create -omountpoint=/home/ tank/home
rsync -arv --progress /home-old /home

agora, quando eu tento usar o vapor, fico:

t@ts:~$ steam
ILocalize::AddFile() failed to load file "public/steambootstrapper_english.txt".
[2017-05-30 19:09:30] Startup - updater built Nov 23 2016 01:05:42
[2017-05-30 19:09:30] Verifying installation...
[2017-05-30 19:09:30] Unable to read and verify install manifest /home/t/.steam/package/steam_client_ubuntu12.installed
[2017-05-30 19:09:30] Verification complete
[2017-05-30 19:09:30] Downloading Update...
../tier1/fileio.cpp (3186) : Assertion Failed: Failed to determine free disk space for ., error 75
[2017-05-30 19:09:30] Error: Steam needs at least 250MB of free disk space to update.
[2017-05-30 19:09:30] Error: Steam needs to be online to update.     Please confirm your network connection and try again.
[2017-05-30 19:09:52] Shutdown
threadtools.cpp (3283) : Assertion Failed: Illegal termination of worker thread 'Thread(0x0x576b3530/0x0xefd7db'
cat: '/home/t/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime.tar.xz.part*': No such file or directory
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
xz: (stdin): File format not recognized
tar: Child returned status 1
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
find: ‘/home/t/.steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-runtime’: No such file or directory

todos os outros aplicativos funcionam bem.

por tatsu 30.05.2017 / 19:15

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