Ubuntu 16.04 preso em '/ dev / sda2: clean' após a limpeza dos drivers nvidia



To solve a black-screen-after-login problem I added nomodeset to the grub file and successfully logged in.

But the resolution wasn't alright. So I went ahead and switched to a Nvidia driver from the nouveau option in 'additional drivers'.

After rebooting I get was getting logged out right after logging in. I couldn't even get into guest account. So I went to tty1 and purged nvidia-current drivers. I also reinstalled X server.

Now my system gets stuck on the boot at /dev/sda2: clean

O que devo fazer agora? Eu instalei um novo Ubuntu poucos dias atrás apenas para se livrar desse problema. Tem algo a ver com os drivers nvidia, tenho certeza. Eu acho que mudar para drivers nouveau temporariamente pode resolver esta falha presa. Apenas um pensamento.

Qualquer ajuda seria muito apreciada. Obrigado.

por Vishwas Singh Chouhan 28.05.2017 / 13:12

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