Erro mestre Mesos. Soquete e zookeeper


Eu configurei o mesos, zk e marathon antes no ubuntu 14.04. No entanto, quando tentei configurar no Ubuntu 16.04.1. Sempre que eu começo mesos serviço mestre, há um problema. Este erro parece sempre ocorrer em service mesos-master status detalhes abaixo

● mesos-master.service - Mesos Master
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mesos-master.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2016-09-28 17:07:35 MYT; 1min 12s ago
 Main PID: 7205 (mesos-master)
    Tasks: 21
   Memory: 10.4M
      CPU: 703ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/mesos-master.service
           ├─7205 /usr/sbin/mesos-master --zk=zk:// --port=5050 --log_dir=/var/log/mesos --hostname= --ip= --quorum=1 --
           ├─7220 logger -p user info -t mesos-master[7205]
           └─7221 logger -p user err -t mesos-master[7205]

Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@726: Client environment:zookeeper.version=zookeep
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@730: Client
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@737: Client
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@738: Client environment:os.arch=4.4.0-31-generic
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@739: Client environment:os.version=#50-Ubuntu SMP
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@747: Client
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@755: Client environment:user.home=/root
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@log_env@767: Client environment:user.dir=/
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,911:7205(0x7fbe50d21700):ZOO_INFO@zookeeper_init@800: Initiating client connection, host=10
Sep 28 17:08:45 testmaster mesos-master[7221]: 2016-09-28 17:08:45,912:7205(0x7fbe21ffb700):ZOO_ERROR@handle_socket_error_msg@1722: Socket [] zk

Não tenho certeza do que deu errado porque não encontrei esse problema antes na configuração do Ubuntu 14.04.

UPDATE: mesos master log

Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg
I0928 17:24:55.607309  8682 logging.cpp:194] INFO level logging started!
I0928 17:24:55.608624  8682 main.cpp:370] Using 'HierarchicalDRF' allocator
I0928 17:24:55.694563  8682 leveldb.cpp:174] Opened db in 85.440226ms
I0928 17:24:55.705240  8682 leveldb.cpp:181] Compacted db in 10.558745ms
I0928 17:24:55.705389  8682 leveldb.cpp:196] Created db iterator in 42146ns
I0928 17:24:55.705629  8682 leveldb.cpp:202] Seeked to beginning of db in 159030ns
I0928 17:24:55.705809  8682 leveldb.cpp:271] Iterated through 1 keys in the db in 91724ns
I0928 17:24:55.705924  8682 replica.cpp:779] Replica recovered with log positions 0 -> 0 with 1 holes and 0 unlearned
I0928 17:24:55.708621  8700 log.cpp:107] Attempting to join replica to ZooKeeper group
I0928 17:24:55.713376  8682 main.cpp:543] Starting Mesos master
I0928 17:24:55.717751  8700 recover.cpp:451] Starting replica recovery
I0928 17:24:55.723019  8699 recover.cpp:477] Replica is in VOTING status
I0928 17:24:55.723924  8699 recover.cpp:466] Recover process terminated
I0928 17:24:55.731030  8682 master.cpp:375] Master 12121224-5a95-4ec3-9e18-27b03896e8d5 ( started on
I0928 17:24:55.731158  8682 master.cpp:377] Flags at startup: --agent_ping_timeout="15secs" --agent_reregister_timeout="10mins" --allocation_interval="1secs"$
I0928 17:24:55.731812  8682 master.cpp:429] Master allowing unauthenticated frameworks to register
I0928 17:24:55.731884  8682 master.cpp:443] Master allowing unauthenticated agents to register
I0928 17:24:55.731948  8682 master.cpp:457] Master allowing HTTP frameworks to register without authentication
I0928 17:24:55.732045  8682 master.cpp:499] Using default 'crammd5' authenticator
W0928 17:24:55.732118  8682 authenticator.cpp:512] No credentials provided, authentication requests will be refused
I0928 17:24:55.732599  8682 authenticator.cpp:519] Initializing server SASL
I0928 17:24:55.754320  8699 contender.cpp:152] Joining the ZK group
I0928 17:24:55.755129  8682 master.cpp:1785] Successfully attached file '/var/log/mesos/mesos-master.INFO'
I0928 17:25:01.612355  8703 http.cpp:381] HTTP GET for /master/state from with User-Agent='Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:48.0)$
W0928 17:25:01.612527  8703 http.cpp:2004] Current master is not elected as leader, and leader information is unavailable. Failed to redirect the request url$
W0928 17:25:05.726553  8703 group.cpp:503] Timed out waiting to connect to ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper session (sessionId=0) expiration
W0928 17:25:05.726701  8699 group.cpp:503] Timed out waiting to connect to ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper session (sessionId=0) expiration
W0928 17:25:05.726912  8700 group.cpp:503] Timed out waiting to connect to ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper session (sessionId=0) expiration
I0928 17:25:05.727430  8700 group.cpp:519] ZooKeeper session expired
I0928 17:25:05.728480  8699 group.cpp:519] ZooKeeper session expired
I0928 17:25:05.728526  8703 group.cpp:519] ZooKeeper session expired
W0928 17:25:05.730283  8705 group.cpp:503] Timed out waiting to connect to ZooKeeper. Forcing ZooKeeper session (sessionId=0) expiration
I0928 17:25:05.733244  8705 group.cpp:519] ZooKeeper session expired

Atualização 2: Parece que, mesmo que o zookeeper seja iniciado ou reiniciado e o status do zookeeper esteja sendo executado em "service zookeeper status", eu fiz um netstat para verificar se o zookeeper estava ouvindo em uma porta, mas não há nenhum.

por bongcheekhoon 28.09.2016 / 11:14

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