mysql-server levando muito tempo para ser instalado e gerado com falha


Eu estou tentando executar e instalar o servidor mysql no meu Ubuntu, ele está sempre declarando preparing to unpack ../mysql-server-5.6_5.6.27-0ubunbu0.15.04_amd64deb ...

além do acima eu tenho um problema sempre que tento instalar qualquer novo serviço ou configurar o abaixo o erorr aparece, tentei tudo parando o serviço mysql, reinstalando, removendo, reiniciando, nada está funcionando.

ubuntu 15.04

obrigado pela sua ajuda:)

além disso, tenho o seguinte aviso clique aqui para o primeiro erro

clique aqui para o erro do Ubuntu

por Rafah Nehmeh 20.11.2015 / 18:42

4 respostas


Desculpe por não responder, mas a atualização não funcionou, sempre afirmei que precisava de uma atualização parcial que também não funcionava, e tentei reconfigurar todos os serviços e instalar o mysql e o phpmyadmin novamente, mas ambos eles têm algum tipo de dependência do outro. Resumindo, nada funcionou na verdade, sempre que tento instalar o mysql, ele afirma que nenhum pacote foi encontrado.

A solução foi que eu restaurei o servidor para um ponto anterior (antes de enfrentar o problema acima) e agora tudo está funcionando muito bem.

Graças a Deus eu fiz um backup para todos os arquivos / banco de dados antes da atualização:)

Obrigado a todos!

por Rafah Nehmeh 24.11.2015 / 10:38

está dizendo o abaixo

libapache2-mod-auth-mysql - Apache 2 module for MySQL authentication    
libdbd-mysql - MySQL database server driver for libdbi    
libdbd-mysql-perl - Perl5 database interface to the MySQL database
libdbi-perl - Perl Database Interface (DBI)
libmysqlclient-dev - MySQL database development files
libmysqlclient18 - MySQL database client library
libmysqld-dev - MySQL embedded database development files
libreoffice-base-drivers - Database connectivity drivers for LibreOffice
mysql-client-5.6 - MySQL database client binaries
mysql-client-core-5.6 - MySQL database core client binaries
mysql-common - MySQL database common files, e.g. /etc/mysql/my.cnf
mysql-server - MySQL database server (metapackage depending on the latest version)
mysql-server-5.6 - MySQL database server binaries and system database setup
mysql-server-core-5.6 - MySQL database server binaries
php5-sqlite - SQLite module for php5
python-mysqldb - Python interface to MySQL
python-mysqldb-dbg - Python interface to MySQL (debug extension)
mythtv-database - Personal video recorder application (database)
akonadi-backend-mysql - MySQL storage backend for Akonadi
ampache - web-based audio file management system
ampache-common - web-based audio file management system common files
ampache-themes - Themes for Ampache
aolserver4-nsmysql - AOLserver 4 module: module for accessing MySQL databases
auth2db - Powerful and eye-candy IDS logger, log viewer and alert generator
cacti - web interface for graphing of monitoring systems
cl-qmynd - MySQL Native Driver for Common Lisp
collectd-core - statistics collection and monitoring daemon (core system)
conquest-common - ConQuest DICOM Server - common files
conquest-mysql - ConQuest DICOM Server - MySQL backend
coturn - TURN and STUN server for VoIP
courier-webadmin - Courier mail server - web-based administration frontend
dbf2mysql - xBase <--> MySQL
dish - diligence/distributed shell for parallel sysadmin
dovecot-mysql - secure POP3/IMAP server - MySQL support
dpm-copy-server-mysql - DPM copy server with MySQL database backend
dpm-name-server-mysql - DPM nameserver server with MySQL database backend
dpm-server-mysql - Disk Pool Manager (DPM) server with MySQL database backend
dpm-srm-server-mysql - DPM SRM server with MySQL database backend
drizzle - Server binaries for Drizzle Database
drizzle-plugin-json-server - JSON HTTP (NoSQL) interface for Drizzle
freeradius-mysql - MySQL module for FreeRADIUS server
fsgateway - FUSE module to browse database's metadata, sugar datastores and xml files
gsql-mysql-engine - MySQL engine for GSQL
ilohamail - Light weight yet full featured multilingual web-based IMAP/POP3 client
irssi-scripts - collection of scripts for irssi
jffnms - PHP Network Management System
kamailio - very fast and configurable SIP proxy
kamailio-mysql-modules - MySQL database connectivity module for Kamailio
letodms-webdav - document management system based on PHP and MySQL - WebDAV server
lfc-server-mysql - LCG File Catalog (LFC) server with MySQL database backend
libdbix-class-perl - extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
libdbix-introspector-perl - module to detect what database code is connected to
libdrizzle-dbg - library for the Drizzle and MySQL protocols, debug symbols
libdrizzle-dev - library for the Drizzle and MySQL protocols, development files
libdrizzle4 - library for the Drizzle and MySQL protocols
libmariadb-client-lgpl-dev-compat - MariaDB Client Library for C, compatibility symlinks
libmyodbc - the MySQL ODBC driver
libmysql-java - Java database (JDBC) driver for MySQL
libmysqld-pic - PIC version of MySQL embedded server development files
libpam-mysql - PAM module allowing authentication from a MySQL server
libsqlclient-dev - SQL client library for GNUstep (development files)
libsqlclient1.7 - SQL client library for GNUstep (runtime library)
libsqlite3-mod-impexp - SQLite3 extension module for SQL script, XML, JSON and CSV import/export
libwtdbomysql-dev - MySQL/MariaDB backend for Wt::Dbo [development]
libwtdbomysql38 - MySQL/MariaDB backend for Wt::Dbo [runtime]
mariadb-client-10.0 - MariaDB database client binaries
mariadb-client-core-10.0 - MariaDB database core client binaries
mariadb-server-10.0 - MariaDB database server binaries
mariadb-server-core-10.0 - MariaDB database core server files
mariadb-test-10.0 - MariaDB database regression test suite
mha4mysql-manager - Master High Availability Manager and Tools for MySQL, Manager Package
mha4mysql-node - Master High Availability Manager and Tools for MySQL, Node Package
monodevelop-database - Database plugin for MonoDevelop
muddleftpd - A flexible and efficient FTP daemon
mylvmbackup - quickly creating backups of MySQL server's data files
mysql-mmm-agent - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - agent daemon
mysql-mmm-common - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - common files
mysql-mmm-monitor - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - monitoring daemon
mysql-mmm-tools - Multi-Master Replication Manager for MySQL - tools
mysql-proxy - high availability, load balancing and query modification for mysql
mysql-source-5.6 - MySQL source
mysql-testsuite-5.6 - MySQL 5.6 testsuite
mysql-utilities - collection of scripts for managing MySQL servers
mysql-workbench - MySQL Workbench - a visual database modeling, administration and queuing tool
mysql-workbench-data - MySQL Workbench -- architecture independent data
mysqltcl - interface to the MySQL database for the Tcl language
mysqltuner - high-performance MySQL tuning script
mysqmail - real-time logging system in MySQL
mysqmail-courier-logger - real-time logging system in MySQL - Courier traffic-logger
mysqmail-dovecot-logger - real-time logging system in MySQL - Dovecot traffic-logger
mysqmail-postfix-logger - real-time logging system in MySQL - Postfix traffic-logger
mysqmail-pure-ftpd-logger - real-time logging system in MySQL - Pure-FTPd traffic-logger
mytop - top like query monitor for MySQL
nagios-plugins-contrib - Plugins for nagios compatible monitoring systems
nanoweb - HTTP server written in PHP
nova-console - OpenStack Compute - Console
oar-server-mysql - OAR batch scheduler MySQL server backend package
papercut - simple and extensible NNTP server
pdns-backend-mysql - generic MySQL backend for PowerDNS
pennmush-mysql - text-based multi-user virtual world server with MySQL support
percona-server-server-5.6 - Percona Server database server binaries
percona-server-test-5.6 - Percona Server database test suite
percona-toolkit - Command-line tools for MySQL and system tasks
percona-xtrabackup - Open source backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB
percona-xtradb-cluster-server-5.6 - Percona XtraDB Cluster database server binaries
perdition - POP3 and IMAP4 Proxy server
php-db - PHP PEAR Database Abstraction Layer
php5-mysqlnd-ms - MySQL replication and load balancing module for PHP
php5-pinba - Pinba module for PHP 5
phpmyadmin - MySQL web administration tool
pinba-engine-mysql-5.5 - realtime statistics server for PHP using MySQL as a read-only interface
pnopaste-cli - Pastebin with syntax highlighting (cli tool)
postfix-cluebringer-mysql - metapackage for mysql support in postfix-cluebringer
postfix-gld - greylisting daemon for postfix, written in C, uses MySQL
proftpd-mod-mysql - Versatile, virtual-hosting FTP daemon - MySQL module
pure-ftpd-mysql - Secure and efficient FTP server with MySQL user authentication
pysieved - managesieve server
python-mysql.connector - pure Python implementation of MySQL Client/Server protocol
python-os-apply-config - Creates config files out of cloud metadata
python-pysqlite2 - Python interface to SQLite 3
python3-mysql.connector - pure Python implementation of MySQL Client/Server protocol (Python3)
r-cran-rodbc - GNU R package for ODBC database access
refdb-server - Reference database and bibliography tool - sql server
rfc5766-turn-server - TURN and STUN server for VoIP
rhythmbox-ampache - play audio streams from an Ampache server
robojournal - cross-platform journal/diary tool
robojournal-doc - cross-platform journal/diary tool - documentation
root-plugin-sql-mysql - MySQL client plugin for ROOT
roundcube-mysql - metapackage providing MySQL dependencies for RoundCube
solr-common - Enterprise search server based on Lucene3 - common files
sputnik - Extensible wiki
sqlgrey - Postfix Greylisting Policy Server
sqlline - JDBC command-line utility for issuing SQL
sympa - Modern mailing list manager
sysbench - Cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool
tango-db - TANGO distributed control system - database server
tarantool-mysql-plugin - Tarantool in-memory database - MySQL connector    
tsung - distributed multi-protocol load testing tool    
viewvc-query - utility to query CVS and Subversion commit database    
voms-mysql-plugin - VOMS server plugin for MySQL    
voms-mysql-plugin-dbg - VOMS server plugin for MySQL - Debug Symbols    
yate-mysql - MySQL support module for yate    
zabbix-proxy-mysql - network monitoring solution - proxy (using MySQL)    
zabbix-server-mysql - network monitoring solution - server (using MySQL)

Obrigado além do acima, a página inicial não está exibindo os atalhos (firefox, home, etc.)

@Goddard, eu tenho o abaixo Image este é o resultado da imagem do mysql-server- *

por Rafah Nehmeh 20.11.2015 / 19:32

Eu tenho o erro abaixo

The following NEW packages will be installed:
  libdbd-mysql-perl{a} libmysqlclient18{a} mysql-client-5.6{a} mysql-client-core-5.6{a} mysql-common{a} mysql-server-core-5.6{a} 
The following packages will be REMOVED:
The following packages will be upgraded:
1 packages upgraded, 6 newly installed, 1 to remove and 104 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B/20.7 MB of archives. After unpacking 75.3 MB will be used.
debconf: DbDriver "templatedb": /var/cache/debconf/templates.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable
dpkg: warning: files list file for package 'mysql-server-5.6' missing; assuming package has no files currently installed
(Reading database ... 259040 files and directories currently installed.)
Removing phpmyadmin (4:4.2.12-2) ...
debconf: DbDriver "templatedb": /var/cache/debconf/templates.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable
dpkg: error processing package phpmyadmin (--remove):
 subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1
debconf: DbDriver "templatedb": /var/cache/debconf/templates.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable
dpkg: error while cleaning up:
 subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:
E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
Failed to perform requested operation on package.  Trying to recover:
por Rafah Nehmeh 20.11.2015 / 20:18

Você tentou instalá-lo usando o apt-get?


sudo dpkg --configure -a
sudo apt-get install -f
sudo apt-get update

tente isso

sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Também parece que sua instalação está bloqueada. Se estiver bloqueado, faça isso.

sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a
por Goddard 20.11.2015 / 19:00