Como posso ligar um atalho de teclado no meu tablet Thoinkpad X220?


Eu tenho uma nova instalação do Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 no meu Lenovo Thinkpad X220T (ou X220 Tablet).

Eu configurei dois scripts para melhorar a rotação da tela e gostaria de vinculá-los a um atalho de teclado.

Basicamente, adicionei essas linhas em /etc/rc.local :

setkeycodes 67 202 # Launch3
setkeycodes 6c 149 # Launch2

para vincular o segundo e o terceiro botão na borda da tela aos botões "Lauch2" e "Launch3".




#!/bin/sh#Findthelinein"xrandr -q --verbose" output that contains current screen orientation and "strip" out current orientation.

rotation='xrandr -q --verbose | grep 'connected' | egrep -o  '\) (normal|left|inverted|right) \(' | egrep -o '(normal|left|inverted|right)''
# Using current screen orientation proceed to rotate screen and input tools.

echo $rotation
case "$rotation" in
 #    -rotate to inverted
    xrandr -o inverted
    xsetwacom set "10" Rotate half
    xsetwacom set "11" Rotate half
    xsetwacom set "15" Rotate half
 #    -rotate to inverted
    xrandr -o inverted
    xsetwacom set "10" Rotate half
    xsetwacom set "11" Rotate half
    xsetwacom set "15" Rotate half
 #    -rotate to normal
    xrandr -o normal
    xsetwacom set "10" Rotate none
    xsetwacom set "11" Rotate none
    xsetwacom set "15" Rotate none

exit 0



# Find the line in "xrandr -q --verbose" output that contains current screen orientation and "strip" out current orientation.

rotation='xrandr -q --verbose | grep 'connected' | egrep -o  '\) (normal|left|inverted|right) \(' | egrep -o '(normal|left|inverted|right)''
# Using current screen orientation proceed to rotate screen and input tools.

echo $rotation
case "$rotation" in
 #    -rotate to the right
    xrandr -o right
    xsetwacom set "10"  Rotate ccw
    xsetwacom set "11" Rotate ccw
    xsetwacom set "15" Rotate ccw
 #    -rotate to the right
    xrandr -o right
    xsetwacom set "10"  Rotate ccw
    xsetwacom set "11" Rotate ccw
    xsetwacom set "15" Rotate ccw
 #    -rotate to normal
    xrandr -o normal
    xsetwacom set "10" Rotate none
    xsetwacom set "11" Rotate none
    xsetwacom set "15" Rotate none

exit 0

Como posso resolver o problema?

por leonard vertighel 24.04.2014 / 10:40

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