Também me deparei com esse problema e passei quase duas horas on-line pesquisando soluções. Você estava no caminho certo, yaboot é o lugar certo para se olhar. No entanto, há mais algumas coisas a fazer antes de nos livrarmos desse monitor inútil.
Encontrei uma conversa por e-mail, que resolve nosso problema. Não tenho muita certeza se você resolveu o seu, mas para o benefício de outros, vou repassar a solução e linkar aqui. (Só porque o Google acha que há uma solução aqui ...)
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O crédito vai para: Romain Goyet escreveu em 24 de Março de 2010 11:32
Hi there, Here's a summary about "how to boot a PowerMac G5 without a screen attached". As many people have noticed, default yaboot install won't boot unless a screen is attached. Actually, the workaround is really simple. Thing is, that's the "ofboot.b" script that messes things up. This script is a "bridge", that actually either starts yaboot or let you boot off of a CD. I don't know what's the point, since OpenFirmware already lets you boot off of the CD by pressing C on boot… So basically, to boot headless, all you have to do is to tell OpenFirmware to boot straight off the yaboot binary, and to skip the ofboot.b Just boot into OpenFirmware (Command-Option-O-F), and type : setenv boot-device hd:2,yaboot (where 2 is the number of the partition containing yaboot) boot And here you go, you can unplug that useless monitor References : http://saintaardvarkthecarpeted.com/blog/archive/2005/02/THE_WINE_OF_BOOT.html http://grub.enbug.org/TestingOnPowerPC By the way, as of writing this, grub2 on PPC from debian gives a "out of memory" issue. Known bug. _______________________________________________ Linuxppc-dev mailing list