Questão de acidente muito estranho no rosegarden? [fechadas]


Eu estive em toda a internet sobre esse problema, e todo mundo parece ter erros um pouco diferentes, mas não relacionados ao meu.

O Rosegarden estava trabalhando ontem. Agora, toda vez que, sem falhar, ele exibirá a tela inicial, alguma dica de uma janela, mas a área da tela "congela" e não atualiza (onde você pode "pintar" a área arrastando uma janela sobre isto;))

Eu tentei:

sudo apt-get purge rosegarden
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo apt-get install rosegarden

Com uma instalação aparentemente nova, as coisas aconteceram da mesma maneira.

Aqui está a saída do terminal:

Setting graphics system for Qt 4.5+ to: raster
Thorn - false
System Locale: en_US
Qt translations path: /usr/share/qt4/translations
Qt translations not loaded.
RG Translation: trying to load :locale/en_US
RG Translations loaded successfully.
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-16x16"
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-32x32"
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-48x48"
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-64x64"
Loaded application icon "rg-rwb-rose3-128x128"
NOTE: Found stylesheet at ":/rosegarden.qss", applying it
Not loading stylesheet per user request.  Caveat emptor.
QSettings::endGroup: No matching beginGroup()
AlsaDriver::AlsaDriver [begin]
Rosegarden 10.10 - AlsaDriver [ALSA library version 1.0.23, module version 1.0.23, kernel version 2.6.38-8-generic]
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
PluginFactory::instance(dssi): creating new DSSIPluginFactory
LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is [/home/chase/.dssi] [/usr/local/lib/dssi] [/usr/lib/dssi] 
Cannot connect to server socket err = No such file or directory
Cannot connect to server socket
jackdmp 1.9.7
Copyright 2001-2005 Paul Davis and others.
Copyright 2004-2010 Grame.
jackdmp comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; see the file COPYING for details
Cannot create thread 1 Operation not permitted
Cannot create thread 1 Operation not permitted
JACK server starting in realtime mode with priority 10
Cannot lock down memory area (Cannot allocate memory)
LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - done
PluginFactory::instance(ladspa): creating new LADSPAPluginFactory
LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - discovering plugins; path is [/home/chase/.ladspa] [/usr/local/lib/ladspa] [/usr/lib/ladspa] 
control device hw:0
control device hw:0
Acquire audio card Audio0
creating alsa driver ... hw:0|hw:0|1024|2|44100|0|0|nomon|swmeter|-|32bit
control device hw:0
Using ALSA driver HDA-Intel running on card 0 - HDA Intel at 0x90700000 irq 46
configuring for 44100Hz, period = 1024 frames (23.2 ms), buffer = 2 periods
ALSA: final selected sample format for capture: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for capture
ALSA: final selected sample format for playback: 32bit integer little-endian
ALSA: use 2 periods for playback
port created: Midi-Through:midi/playback_1
port created: Midi-Through:midi/capture_1
port created: USB-Uno-MIDI-Interface:midi/playback_1
port created: USB-Uno-MIDI-Interface:midi/capture_1
Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/10)(1: Operation not permitted)
AcquireSelfRealTime error
LADSPAPluginFactory::discoverPlugins - done
Cannot lock down memory area (Cannot allocate memory)
Cannot use real-time scheduling (RR/5)(1: Operation not permitted)
AcquireRealTime error

JackDriver::initialiseAudio - JACK sample rate = 44100Hz, buffer size = 1024
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - creating disk thread
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 4 JACK physical outputs
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out L" to "system:playback_1"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "rosegarden:master out R" to "system:playback_2"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - found 4 JACK physical inputs
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_1" to "rosegarden:record in 1 L"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - connecting from "system:capture_2" to "rosegarden:record in 1 R"
JackDriver::initialiseAudio - initialised JACK audio subsystem

  ALSA Client information:

    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)          (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
    20,0 - (USB Uno MIDI Interface, USB Uno MIDI Interface MIDI 1)      (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]

extractVersion: major = 1, minor = 0, subminor = 23, suffix = ""
AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 1.0.23 at least 1.0.14? yes
extractVersion: major = 2, minor = 6, subminor = 38, suffix = "generic"
AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 2.6.38-8-generic at least 2.6.20? yes
Using low-resolution system timer, sending a warning
    Current timer set to "system timer" with timer checks
    WARNING: using system timer with only 250Hz resolution!
AlsaDriver::initialiseMidi -  initialised MIDI subsystem

extractVersion: major = 1, minor = 0, subminor = 23, suffix = ""
AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 1.0.23 at least 1.0.14? yes
extractVersion: major = 2, minor = 6, subminor = 38, suffix = "generic"
AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 2.6.38-8-generic at least 2.6.20? yes
Using low-resolution system timer, sending a warning
    Current timer set to "system timer" with timer checks
    WARNING: using system timer with only 250Hz resolution!
Composition::getTrackById(0) - WARNING - track id not found, this is probably a BUG src/base/Composition.cpp:1560
Available track ids are: 
CREATED OUTPUT PORT 3:out 1 - unnamed for device 0
Renamed 129:3 to General MIDI Device
AlsaDriver::setRecordDevice: device 1, action 1
WARNING: AlsaDriver::renameDevice: Cannot find device 1 in port map
port created: rosegarden:midi/capture_1
port created: rosegarden:midi/playback_2
port created: rosegarden:midi/playback_3
port created: rosegarden:midi/capture_3
port created: rosegarden:midi/playback_4
audio file manager emitting fake setValue(100)
RosegardenDocument::openDocument: Successfully opened document "/home/chase/.local/share/rosegarden/autoload/autoload.rg"
Object::connect: No such slot Rosegarden::AudioInstrumentParameterPanel::updateAllBoxes() in src/gui/editors/parameters/AudioInstrumentParameterPanel.cpp:81
Object::connect:  (receiver name: 'Audio Instrument Parameter Panel')
Object::connect: No such signal Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in src/gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentMover.cpp:58
Object::disconnect: No such signal Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in src/gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentMover.cpp:65
Object::connect: No such signal Rosegarden::CompositionView::contentsMoving (int, int) in src/gui/editors/segment/compositionview/SegmentPencil.cpp:61
Connecting my port 3 to 20:0 on reconnection
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like "" requested for device 0
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 20:0 USB Uno MIDI Interface MIDI 1 (duplex) available with fitness 1
AlsaDriver::setRecordDevice: device 1, action 0
AlsaDriver::setRecordDevice: port is 0:0
AlsaDriver::setRecordDevice: device 1, action 1
AlsaDriver::setRecordDevice: port is 20:0
AlsaDriver::setRecordDevice - successfully subscribed device 1 as record port
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: connection like "" requested for device 1
AlsaDriver::setPlausibleConnection: fuzzy match 20:0 USB Uno MIDI Interface MIDI 1 (duplex) available with fitness 1
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 1000
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 10000
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice: Having a look at device 0
Studio::getMetronomeFromDevice(0): device is a MIDI device
rosegarden: could not connect to socket
rosegarden: No such file or directory
Rosegarden: WARNING: No accurate sequencer timer available (and kernel is new enough for RTC addendum)
MAIN WINDOW DISPLAY WARNING:  type 2 text<h3>System timer resolution is too low!</h3>
Rosegarden: WARNING: No accurate sequencer timer available (and kernel is new enough for RTC addendum)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family LilyPond-feta-rosegarden at size 12, got family LilyPond-feta-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family LilyPond-feta-nummer-rosegarden at size 12, got family LilyPond-feta-nummer-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family LilyPond-parmesan-rosegarden at size 12, got family LilyPond-parmesan-rosegarden (exactMatch 1)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family bitstream vera serif at size 12, got family DejaVu Serif (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family luxi serif at size 12, got family DejaVu Serif (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family times new roman at size 12, got family Liberation Serif (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family times at size 12, got family Nimbus Roman No9 L (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family fughetta at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "fughetta"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family georgia at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen2 at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Comparing current version "10.10" with latest version "11.06"
MAIN WINDOW DISPLAY WARNING:  type 4 text<h3>Newer version available</h3>
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "inkpen2,inkpen"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen2 text at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family inkpen text at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family comic sans ms at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family maestro at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "maestro"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family opus at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "opus"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family opus text at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family petrucci at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "petrucci"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family sonata at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "sonata"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family steinberg notation at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "steinberg notation"
SystemFont::loadSystemFont[Qt]: wanted family xinfonia at size 12, got family DejaVu Sans (exactMatch 0)
Warning: Unable to load any of the fonts in "xinfonia"

  ALSA Client information:

    14,0 - (Midi Through, Midi Through Port-0)          (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 655362, cap 99]
    20,0 - (USB Uno MIDI Interface, USB Uno MIDI Interface MIDI 1)      (DUPLEX) [ctype 2, ptype 589826, cap 127]

E é isso. O Rosegarden só fica lá. Toda vez. Não sei o que poderia criar algum tipo de erro que persistisse em uma nova instalação. Parece também que não é possível carregar fontes por algum motivo ...

por cemulate 25.05.2011 / 02:43

1 resposta


Como você afirmou em sua pergunta:

Excluindo tudo listado por

find ~ -name "*rosegarden*"

sob o diretório inicial resolveu o problema. O Rosegarden cria alguns diretórios e arquivos ocultos que suponho estarem corrompidos.

Nesse caso, verei o que causa a condição e arquive um bug.

por jrg 10.12.2011 / 13:34