Você poderia nos python.
Salve o seguinte em um arquivo chamado join.py
em sua área inicial:
ffile=open('FirstFile.txt','r').read().split('\n') # Open the first file, read it and split it into a list at the newline character
sfile=open('SecondFile.txt','r').read().split('\n') # Open the second file, read it and split it into a list at the newline character
minlen=min(len(ffile),len(sfile)) # Get the lengths of both, and return the minimum so it doesn't break if they are different lengths.
ofile = [] # Create an empty list.
for i in range (minlen): # Loop for the length of the shortest list.
ofile = ofile + [ffile[i]+sfile[i]] # Add the first item of the first list (the first line of the first file) to the first item of the second list (the first line of the second file).
outfile=open('outputfile','w') # Create an output file, called outputfile.txt in your home directory
outfile.write('\n'.join(ofile)) # Write to the output file.
execute-o com
python join.py