Cabeçalhos do Linux não estão sendo atualizados. Diz "sem espaço" quando tenho lotes


Problemas com meus cabeçalhos linux em uma atualização do Ubuntu 13.10.

E: / var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.11.0-15_3.11.0-15.25_all.deb: unable to create '/ usr/src/linux-headers-3.11.0-15/arch/powerpc / kernel / Makefile.dpkg-new '(while processing './usr/src/linux-headers-3.11.0-15/arch/powerpc/kernel/Makefile'): Device with no free space 
E: / var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.11.0-15-generic_3.11.0-15.25_i386.deb: unable to create '/ usr/src/linux-headers-3.11.0-15-generic / include / config / dm / multipath / ql.h.dpkg-new '(while processing './usr/src/linux-headers-3.11.0-15-generic/include/config/dm/multipath/ql.h '): Device with no free space

Mas eu tenho um / com 18 Gb de espaço ...

Durante o ocorrido:

  ( Reading database ... 244 922 files and directories currently installed . )
     Preparing to replace linux -image - 3.11.0 -15- generic 3.11.0-15.25 ( using ... / linux - image- 3.11.0 -15- generic_3.11.0 - 15.25_i386.deb ) ...
    Done .
    The unpack replacement linux - image- 3.11.0 -15- generic ...
    Examining / etc / kernel / postrm.d .
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postrm.d / initramfs -tools 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postrm.d / zz - update- grub 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    Preparing to replace linux - headers -3.11.0-15 3.11.0-15.25 ( using ... / linux - headers - 3.11.0 - 15_3.11.0 - 15.25_all.deb ) ...
    The unpack replacement linux - headers - 3.11.0 -15 ...
    dpkg : error processar / var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.11.0-15_3.11.0-15.25_all.deb ( - unpack ) :
     No. managed to create ' / usr/src/linux-headers-3.11.0-15/arch/powerpc/kernel/Makefile.dpkg-new ' ( ' wile processing ./usr/src/linux-headers-3.11.0-15 / arch / powerpc / kernel / Makefile ' ) : No free space on device
    No apports paper written for MaxReports was reached
                                                                   dpkg - deb : error : the necklace was killed subprocess hair signal ( Channel interrupted )
    Preparing to replace linux - headers - 3.11.0 -15- generic 3.11.0-15.25 ( using ... / linux - headers - 3.11.0 -15- generic_3.11.0 - 15.25_i386.deb ) ...
    The unpack replacement linux - headers - 3.11.0 -15- generic ...
    dpkg : error processing / var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.11.0-15-generic_3.11.0-15.25_i386.deb ( - unpack ) :
     No. managed to create ' / usr/src/linux-headers-3.11.0-15-generic/include/config/dm/multipath/ql.h.dpkg-new ' ( enquanto processava ' . / usr / src / linux - headers -3.11.0-15-generic/include/config/dm/multipath/ql.h ' ) : No free space on device
    No apports paper written for MaxReports was reached
                                                                   dpkg - deb : error : the necklace was killed subprocess hair signal ( Channel interrupted )
    Preparing to replace linux -image - extra- 3.11.0 -15- generic 3.11.0-15.25 ( using ... / linux - image- extra- 3.11.0 -15- generic_3.11.0 - 15.25_i386.deb ) ...
    The unpack replacement linux - image- extra- 3.11.0 -15- generic ...
    Examining / etc / kernel / postrm.d .
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postrm.d / initramfs -tools 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postrm.d / zz - update- grub 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    Foramen found errors while processing :
     / var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.11.0-15_3.11.0-15.25_all.deb
     / var/cache/apt/archives/linux-headers-3.11.0-15-generic_3.11.0-15.25_i386.deb
    W : He waited for dpkg - assert - multi- arch but wasn't wool - dpkgGo (10 : No. exist processes SON )
    E: Sub - process / usr / bin / dpkg returned an error code ( 1)
    The package failed to install . Trying to recover :
    Installing linux - image- 3.11.0 -15- generic ( 3.11.0-15.25 ) ...
    Running depmod .
    update- initramfs : deferring update ( hook will be called Later )
    Not updating initrd symbolic links since we are Being updated / reinstalled
    ( 3.11.0-15.25 WAS configured last , according to dpkg )
    Not updating image symbolic links since we are Being updated / reinstalled
    ( 3.11.0-15.25 WAS configured last , according to dpkg )
    Examining / etc / kernel / postinst.d .
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / apt self- removal - 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / initramfs -tools 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    update- initramfs : Generating / boot/initrd.img-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / pm - utils 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / update- notifier 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / zz - update- grub 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    Generating grub.cfg ...
    Found linux image : / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-17-generic
    Found initrd image : / boot/initrd.img-3.11.0-17-generic
    Found linux image : / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    Found initrd image : / boot/initrd.img-3.11.0-15-generic
    Found memtest86 + image : / memtest86 + . Bin
    Installing linux - image- extra- 3.11.0 -15- generic ( 3.11.0-15.25 ) ...
    Running depmod .
    update- initramfs : deferring update ( hook will be called Later )
    Not updating initrd symbolic links since we are Being updated / reinstalled
    ( 3.11.0-15.25 WAS configured last , according to dpkg )
    Not updating image symbolic links since we are Being updated / reinstalled
    ( 3.11.0-15.25 WAS configured last , according to dpkg )
    Examining / etc / kernel / postinst.d .
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / apt self- removal - 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / initramfs -tools 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    update- initramfs : Generating / boot/initrd.img-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / pm - utils 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / update- notifier 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    run- parts: executing / etc / kernel / postinst.d / zz - update- grub 3.11.0 -15- generic / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    Generating grub.cfg ...
    Found linux image : / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-17-generic
    Found initrd image : / boot/initrd.img-3.11.0-17-generic
    Found linux image : / boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-15-generic
    Found initrd image : / boot/initrd.img-3.11.0-15-generic
    Found memtest86 + image : / memtest86 + . Bin

Eu desinstalei o 3.11.0-15 e instalei o 3.11.0-17 com o Synaptic. Depois disso, fiz o seguinte.

~$ df -h
File Sist.      Size  Ocup Free Use% Mouted in
/dev/sda6        19G  6,1G   12G  35% /
none            4,0K     0  4,0K   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev            3,9G  4,0K  3,9G   1% /dev
tmpfs           801M  1,2M  799M   1% /run
none            5,0M     0  5,0M   0% /run/lock
none            4,0G  216K  4,0G   1% /run/shm
none            100M   32K  100M   1% /run/user
/dev/sda1       270M   34M  218M  14% /boot
/dev/sda7       550G  497G   26G  96% /home  


~$ df -hi
File Sist.     Inodes IOcup IFree UseI% Mounted in
/dev/sda6        1,2M  1,2M   27K   98% /
none             197K     2  197K    1% /sys/fs/cgroup
udev             193K   501  192K    1% /dev
tmpfs            197K   529  197K    1% /run
none             197K     3  197K    1% /run/lock
none             197K     8  197K    1% /run/shm
none             197K    23  197K    1% /run/user
/dev/sda1         72K   265   72K    1% /boot
/dev/sda7         35M  619K   35M    2% /home  

Após a instalação do kernel, o meu Nautilus não esvazia a lixeira, trava e o Dropbox, toda vez que eu inicializo meu computador, ele me pergunta por previlégios root (solicite senha root) e não mostra na bandeja.


por Sardinha 22.02.2014 / 05:22

2 respostas


"Dispositivo sem espaço livre"

No sistema de arquivos ext, isso pode significar que você não tem espaço em bytes , mas também não tem espaço em inodes . O kernel do Linux tem muitos arquivos pequenos, então você provavelmente atingiu o limite de inode da sua partição.

Digite df -h para ver o limite de tamanho.

Digite df -hi para ver o limite do inode (número de arquivo).

Tanto quanto eu sei, você só pode definir / aumentar o limite de inode ao formatar. link

por kolorafa 22.02.2014 / 10:46

Eu gerenciei o problema ao mover alguns arquivos para uma unidade externa, excluindo-os do PC e esvaziando a lixeira com o terminal.

sudo rm -rf ~/.local/share/Trash/*

O uso reduziu de 98% para 72%.

Eu não sei se isso realmente ajuda, mas depois vou mover todos os documentos ( /home/username/all-of-this ) para uma unidade externa e movê-la de volta. Talvez meus downloads de torrent tivessem quebrado arquivos em pedaços.

Obrigado a todos!

por Sardinha 26.02.2014 / 21:01