'wine: /home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends não pertence a você'


Aqui está o meu problema:

Estou tentando instalar a liga de legendas seguindo este guia: link (É em francês, já que sou francês).

Neste tutorial, há um momento em que me pedem para colocar este comando no terminal:

sudo WINEPREFIX=/home/$VOTRE_NOM/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/ winetricks -q vcrun2005 vcrun2013 vcrun2015

Eu deveria estar substituindo o "$ VOTRE_NOM" pelo meu nome de usuário que é pop

Depois tentei novamente, mas ao digitar:

sudo WINEPREFIX=/home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/ winetricks -q vcrun2005 vcrun2013 vcrun2015

O comando real que eu deveria estar digitando em primeiro lugar.

Isso me dá essa saída como um erro:

wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string, error message 'wine: /home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends is not owned by you'

Como perguntado aqui está a saída para a mesma linha de comando, mas sem o sudo :

$ WINEPREFIX=/home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends/ winetricks -q vcrun2005 vcrun2013 vcrun2015

Executing w_do_call vcrun2005
Executing load_vcrun2005 
Using native,builtin override for following DLLs: 
atl80 msvcm80 msvcp80 msvcr80 vcomp 
Executing winetricks_early_wine regedit /S C:\windows\Temp\_vcrun2005\override-dll.reg 
Executing wine vcredist_x86.EXE /q fixme:advapi:DecryptFileA ("C:\users\pop\Temp\IXP000.TMP\", 00000000): stub 
fixme:event:wait_for_withdrawn_state window 0x2002c/8200003 wait timed out 
fixme:storage:create_storagefile Storage share mode not implemented. 
Executing w_do_call vcrun2013 Executing load_vcrun2013 
Using native,builtin override for following DLLs: 
atl120 msvcp120 msvcr120 vcomp120 
Executing winetricks_early_wine regedit /S C:\windows\Temp\_vcrun2013\override-dll.reg
Working around wine bug 17273 -- Manually extracting dlls
Executing cabextract -q --directory=/home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends//dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_vcrun2013 vcredist_x86.exe Executing cabextract -q
--directory=/home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends//dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_vcrun2013 /home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends//dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_vcrun2013/a2 /home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends//dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_vcrun2013/a2: WARNING; possible 16128 extra bytes at end of file. Executing cabextract -q
--directory=/home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends//dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_vcrun2013 /home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends//dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_vcrun2013/a3 /home/pop/.PlayOnLinux/wineprefix/LeagueOfLegends//dosdevices/c:/windows/temp/_vcrun2013/a3: WARNING; possible 16128 extra bytes at end of file. Unknown arg vcrun2015 Usage: /usr/bin/winetricks [options] [command|verb|path-to-verb] ... Executes given verbs.  Each verb installs an application or changes a setting.

    --force           Don't check whether packages were already installed
    --gui             Show gui diagnostics even when driven by commandline
-k, --keep_isos       Cache isos (allows later installation without disc)
    --no-clean        Don't delete temp directories (useful during debugging)
    --no-isolate      Don't install each app or game in its own bottle
-q, --unattended      Don't ask any questions, just install automatically
-r, --ddrescue        Retry hard when caching scratched discs
    --showbroken      Even show verbs that are currently broken in wine
    --verify          Run (automated) GUI tests for verbs, if available
-v, --verbose         Echo all commands as they are executed
-h, --help            Display this message and exit
-V, --version         Display version and exit

por Didan974 22.12.2017 / 05:00

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