Arquivo de correção no linux


Eu tenho um arquivo de patch na seguinte linha:

Only in /tmp/ns-allinone-2.26/ns-2.26/common: ip.o
Only in /tmp/ns-allinone-2.26/ns-2.26/common: ivs.o
Only in /tmp/ns-allinone-2.26/ns-2.26/common: message.o
Only in /tmp/ns-allinone-2.26/ns-2.26/common: misc.o
diff -r ns-2.26/common/ /tmp/ns-allinone-2.26/ns-2.26/common/
> #ifdef        GgX
> #include "wireless-phy.h"
> #include "mac-802_11.h"
> #endif        GgX
> #ifdef  GgX
>       Mac802_11* macptr;
> #endif  GgX
> #ifdef GgX //GgX - To have an access to change rate!
>               } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "change_rate") == 0) {
>                       macptr = (Mac802_11*) ifhead_.lh_first->uptarget();
>                       if (macptr) {
>                               // Keep attention GgX supposes only 1
>                               // interface present!
>                               macptr->setRate(atoi(argv[2])); 
>                               fprintf(stderr, "Rate changed to: %d\n\n",\
>                                               atoi(argv[2]));
>                               return TCL_OK;
>                       } else {
>                               fprintf(stderr, "Error.. Mac not found..\n");
>                               return(TCL_ERROR);
>                       };
>                       return TCL_OK;
> #endif // GgX

Como corrigir este arquivo para ns2.26? Eu tentei patch -p0 < <file_patch> , mas erro:

patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.

Por favor me ajude.

por H.Hoang 19.12.2017 / 05:16

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