Instalando o Host Teamviewer no Ubuntu 17.04


Tentando instalar o Teamviewer Host de acordo com as instruções, mas se depara com um problema. O instalador do Ubuntu Software ao clicar no botão Instalar parece iniciar o processo de instalação, mas não faz nada e o software não está instalado. Por não fazer nada a barra de progresso sob o botão exibe por alguns segundos e depois vai embora sem pedido para auth nada. Se você tentar executá-lo novamente, um ícone padrão, ou seja, o cinza será exibido na barra à esquerda com uma barra de progresso embutida nele, mas não fará nada e não poderá ser fechado.

por Tim Blackhall 13.09.2017 / 19:43

1 resposta


Teamviewer 12 instalado bem no meu 17.04. Eu tenho firewall desligado. Você pode tentar isso, pois o Teamviewer quer usar suas próprias portas ou verificar as portas de firewall. OUTRAS CONEXÕES.

% bl0ck_qu0te%
TCP/UDP Port 5938: TeamViewer prefers to make outbound TCP and UDP connections over port 5938 – this is the primary port it uses, and TeamViewer performs best using this port. Your firewall should allow this at a minimum.
TCP Port 443: If TeamViewer can’t connect over port 5938, it will next try to connect over TCP port 443.
Note: port 443 is also used by our custom modules which are created in the Management Console. If you’re deploying a custom module, eg. through Group Policy, then you need to ensure that port 443 is open on the computers to which you’re deploying. Port 443 is also used for a few other things, including TeamViewer update checks.

TCP Port 443: If TeamViewer can’t connect over port 5938, it will next try to connect over TCP port 443.

Note: port 443 is also used by our custom modules which are created in the Management Console. If you’re deploying a custom module, eg. through Group Policy, then you need to ensure that port 443 is open on the computers to which you’re deploying. Port 443 is also used for a few other things, including TeamViewer update checks.
TCP Port 80: If TeamViewer can’t connect over port 5938 or 443, then it will try on port TCP 80. The connection speed over this port is slower and less reliable than ports 5938 or 443, due to the additional overhead it uses, and there is no automatic reconnection if the connection is temporarily lost. For this reason port 80 is only used as a last resort.
TCP Port 80: If TeamViewer can’t connect over port 5938 or 443, then it will try on port TCP 80. The connection speed over this port is slower and less reliable than ports 5938 or 443, due to the additional overhead it uses, and there is no automatic reconnection if the connection is temporarily lost. For this reason port 80 is only used as a last resort.*
por jpezz 14.09.2017 / 00:32