juju bootstrap na nuvem de opentrack privada falhou


Eu quero implantar o juju na minha nuvem Openstack. A questão que estou enfrentando é que o bootstrap juju está dando um erro de tempo todo o tempo todo. O IP flutuante que é atribuído à instância não é capaz de ssh. Ou não diz nenhuma rota para o host encontrado, conexão recusada ou permissão negada. Meu arquivo environments.ymal é: pilha aberta:         tipo: openstack

    # use-floating-ip specifies whether a floating IP address is
    # required to give the nodes a public IP address. Some
    # installations assign public IP addresses by default without
    # requiring a floating IP address.
    use-floating-ip: true

    # use-default-secgroup specifies whether new machine instances
    # should have the "default" Openstack security group assigned.
    use-default-secgroup: true

    # network specifies the network label or uuid to bring machines up
    # on, in the case where multiple networks exist. It may be omitted
    # otherwise.
    # network: 3db0da69-c062-48a3-b441-98308161d779

    # agent-metadata-url specifies the location of the Juju tools and
    # metadata. It defaults to the global public tools metadata
    # location https://streams.canonical.com/tools.
    # 'http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s/simplestreams/tools/' 
    agent-metadata-url: 'http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s/simplestreams/tools/'

    # image-metadata-url specifies the location of Ubuntu cloud image
    # metadata. It defaults to the global public image metadata
    # location https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases.
    image-metadata-url: 'http://controller:8080/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s/simplestreams/images/'

    # image-stream chooses a simplestreams stream from which to select
    # OS images, for example daily or released images (or any other stream
    # available on simplestreams).
    image-stream: "released"

    # agent-stream chooses a simplestreams stream from which to select tools,
    # for example released or proposed tools (or any other stream available
    # on simplestreams).
    agent-stream: "released"

    # auth-url defaults to the value of the environment variable
    # OS_AUTH_URL, but can be specified here.
    auth-url: http://controller:5000/v2.0

    # tenant-name holds the openstack tenant name. It defaults to the
    # environment variable OS_TENANT_NAME.
    tenant-name: demo

    # region holds the openstack region. It defaults to the
    # environment variable OS_REGION_NAME.
    region: regionOne

    # The auth-mode, username and password attributes are used for
    # userpass authentication (the default).
    # auth-mode holds the authentication mode. For user-password
    # authentication, auth-mode should be "userpass" and username and
    # password should be set appropriately; they default to the
    # environment variables OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD respectively.
    auth-mode: userpass
    username: demo
    password: ***********

    # For key-pair authentication, auth-mode should be "keypair" and
    # access-key and secret-key should be set appropriately; they
    # default to the environment variables OS_ACCESS_KEY and
    # OS_SECRET_KEY respectively.
    # auth-mode: keypair
    # access-key: <secret>
    # secret-key: <secret>

    # Whether or not to refresh the list of available updates for an
    # OS. The default option of true is recommended for use in
    # production systems, but disabling this can speed up local
    # deployments for development or testing.
    enable-os-refresh-update: false

    # Whether or not to perform OS upgrades when machines are
    # provisioned. The default option of true is recommended for use
    # in production systems, but disabling this can speed up local
    # deployments for development or testing.
    enable-os-upgrade: false

# https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-hpcloud.html

A saída do juju bootstrap --debug é: link

por sai pidatala 26.04.2017 / 09:22

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