Não é possível resolver o problema com a caixa virtual


Eu sou muito novo no Ubuntu. Eu estava usando o genymotion nos últimos 2-3 dias. Quando tentei iniciá-lo hoje, isso indicava que algo estava errado com a caixa virtual. Eu tinha instalado a partir dos repos. Eu o desinstalei, reinstalei-o novamente dos repositórios, depois o desinstalei e depois o reinstalei usando o .deb do site do VirtualBox. Tentei instalar dkms, nada aconteceu. Tentando iniciar o Virtual Box Estou recebendo esta mensagem,

      WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded. Either there is no module available for the current kernel (4.4.0-65-generic) or it failed to load. Please recompile the kernel module and install it by

       sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

       You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.

Tentando executar o sudo / sbin / vboxconfig, recebo isto:

vboxdrv.sh: Building VirtualBox kernel modules.

 This system is not currently set up to build kernel modules (system extensions).

  Running the following commands should set the system up correctly:

  apt-get install linux-headers-4.4.0-65-generic
  (The last command may fail if your system is not fully updated.)
   apt-get install linux-headers-generic
   vboxdrv.sh: failed: Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong.

  This system is not currently set up to build kernel modules (system extensions).

   Running the following commands should set the system up correctly:

  apt-get install linux-headers-4.4.0-65-generic

  (The last command may fail if your system is not fully updated.)

  apt-get install linux-headers-generic

  There were problems setting up VirtualBox.  To re-start the set-up process, run /sbin/vboxconfig as root.

O conteúdo do /var/log/vbox-install.log é:

Makefile:185: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR <directory> and run Make again.  Stop.

Makefile:185: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR <directory> and run Make again.  Stop.

Makefile:185: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR <directory> and run Make again.  Stop.

Makefile:185: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR <directory> and run Make again.  Stop.

Makefile:185: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR <directory> and run Make again.  Stop.

Makefile:185: *** Error: unable to find the sources of your current Linux kernel. Specify KERN_DIR <directory> and run Make again.  Stop.

E executando o apt-get install linux-headers-4.4.0-65-generic, eu recebo:

  Package linux-headers-4.4.0-65-generic is not available, but is referred to by another package.

  This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source

  E: Package 'linux-headers-4.4.0-65-generic' has no installation candidate
por codeNoob 03.03.2017 / 17:22

1 resposta


Este erro pode ocorrer quando o módulo não está carregado. Mesmo que você não use o Arch Linux, você ainda pode ler isto: link

Então, tente:

sudo modprobe vboxdrv

ou reinicie o seu computador.

por Thomas William 03.03.2017 / 17:54