Sim, se você usar o Skype4Py.
Eu criei um script simples baseado em examples / do Skype4Py. Leva um número de telefone ou um nome de amigo da lista do skype como um argumento. Está funcionando apenas se o Skype já estiver lançado.
O Skype perguntará se você deseja conceder permissão de API ao Skype4Py.
O código segue:
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Python / Skype4Py example that takes a skypename or number from the commandline
# and calls it.
import sys
import Skype4Py
# This variable will get its actual value in OnCall handler
CallStatus = 0
# Here we define a set of call statuses that indicate a call has been either aborted or finished
CallIsFinished = set ([Skype4Py.clsFailed, Skype4Py.clsFinished, Skype4Py.clsMissed, Skype4Py.clsRefused, Skype4Py.clsBusy, Skype4Py.clsCancelled]);
def AttachmentStatusText(status):
return skype.Convert.AttachmentStatusToText(status)
def CallStatusText(status):
return skype.Convert.CallStatusToText(status)
# This handler is fired when status of Call object has changed
def OnCall(call, status):
global CallStatus
CallStatus = status
print 'Call status: ' + CallStatusText(status)
# This handler is fired when Skype attatchment status changes
def OnAttach(status):
print 'API attachment status: ' + AttachmentStatusText(status)
if status == Skype4Py.apiAttachAvailable:
# Let's see if we were started with a command line parameter..
CmdLine = sys.argv[1]
print 'Missing command line parameter'
# Creating Skype object and assigning event handlers..
skype = Skype4Py.Skype()
skype.OnAttachmentStatus = OnAttach
skype.OnCallStatus = OnCall
# Starting Skype if it's not running already..
if not skype.Client.IsRunning:
print 'Starting Skype..'
# Attatching to Skype..
print 'Connecting to Skype..'
# Make the call
print 'Calling ' + CmdLine + '..'
# Loop until CallStatus gets one of "call terminated" values in OnCall handler
while not CallStatus in CallIsFinished: