pushd não encontrado durante a instalação do arquivo .sh


Eu estava tentando instalar o arquivo candle.sh usando o usuário root ( # bash candle.sh ).
O processo mostrou:

Checking for libXm.so                                      [PASSED]
Checking for xmkmf                                         [PASSED]

Entering WORK-DIR                                          [PASSED]
Uncompressing 'candle'                                     [PASSED]

Entering TMP-DIR                                           [PASSED]
make clean                                                 [PASSED]
Compiling candle ...                                       [FAILED]
Look at the files
          '/tmp/candle-root-log1' and '/tmp/candle-root-log2'
          to understand the reason for failure.

Quando examinei os arquivos, mostrei isso:

./candle-Install.sh: 37: ./candle-Install.sh: pushd: not found.
por indranil bisuri 12.02.2017 / 11:06

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