RAGE no Ubuntu?


Eu instalei o steam (versão do windows através do wine), e instalei o Black Ops II, mas sempre que ele era aberto, ele me dava um erro. Existe alguma maneira de fazê-lo funcionar (eu também gostaria de jogar RAGE)

Estou usando o Ubuntu 16.04

SO black ops 2 não funciona, mas RAGE Installed, mas eu recebo este erro.

Rage.1700.342015 win-x86 Release  Oct 10 2012 14:14:10
------ Initializing File System ------
Current search path:
C:/users/peter/Saved Games/id Software/Rage/base/
C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RAGE/base/
file system initialized.
BenchmarkGameData: ofs 0 and 0x1208090624x 
20904 microseconds
15923 microseconds
9822 microseconds
10490 microseconds
9141 microseconds
9830 microseconds
9817 microseconds
9781 microseconds
9836 microseconds
9389 microseconds
Average seek time without outliers: 10611 microseconds

fileBenchmarkImpliesGameIsOnHD: true
1 CPU package, 2 physical cores, 2 logical cores
3800 MHz AMD CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & SSSE3 & SSE41 & SSE42 & AVX
16384 kB 1st level cache, 1048576 kB 2nd level cache, 0 kB 3rd level cache
3136 MB System Memory
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: enp1s0 enp1s0 - NULL netmask - skipped
Found interface: wlx801f02a2d994 wlx801f02a2d994 -
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing joystick.cfg
Num args: 32
chainRally_weighting = 0.40
meteorRally_weighting = 0.25
Carnage_weighting = 0.20
triadRally_weighting = 0.15
gearhead_weighting = 0.19
meteor_weighting = 0.19
reactor_weighting = 0.19
southernHighway_weighting = 0.19
abandoned_weighting = 0.19
prime_weighting = 0.05
meteor_Shower_killScore = 1
vdm_killScore = 10
rally_killScore = 1
tri_rally_killScore = 5
rallyPointScore = 2
tri_rallyPointScore = 10
meteorCapturePoints_0 = 3
meteorCapturePoints_1 = 6
meteorCapturePoints_2 = 12
meteorCapturePoints_3 = 24
meteorCapturePoints_4 = 36
meteorCapturePoints_5 = 48
meteorCapturePoints_6 = 60
meteorCapturePoints_7 = 72
meteorCapturePoints_8 = 80
meteorCapturePoints_9 = 100
itemMaxCount_vehicle/quickuse/jump = 4
itemSetCount_vehicle/quickuse/jump = 4
itemMaxCount_vehicle/quickuse/emp = 3
itemSetCount_vehicle/quickuse/emp = 3
itemMaxCount_vehicle/quickuse/boostextender = 3
itemSetCount_vehicle/quickuse/boostextender = 3
EnumerateDownloadableContent: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RAGE\dlc
    Found DLC: dlc1...and info.txt!
Resource hashSeed = 3
        ...successfully mounted 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RAGE\dlc/dlc1/info.txt.  ID: 1
    Found DLC: dlc2...and info.txt!
Resource hashSeed = 3
        ...successfully mounted 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RAGE\dlc/dlc2/info.txt.  ID: 2
idLib::SetProduction( PROD_PRODUCTION )
contentpackage path:  C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RAGE/dlc/dlc1
contentpackage id:  1
Failed to find DLC at C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RAGE/dlc/dlc1/base/gameresources.resources
contentpackage path:  C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RAGE/dlc/dlc2
contentpackage id:  2
Failed to find DLC at C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/RAGE/dlc/dlc2/base/gameresources.resources
couldn't exec rageConfig.cfg
Resetting cheat cvar: aas2_showFloorTrace
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_alignToPointDist
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_minCornerCircleRadius
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_cornerCircleRadius
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_turningCircleAlignmentTolerance
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_pointTolerance
Resetting cheat cvar: atv_bumpForwardScale
Resetting cheat cvar: aa_ZoomSnapScale
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_playerScaleMinimum
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_scaleMinimum
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_ScreenPercentage
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_IconSizeSplitscreen
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_IconSize
Resetting cheat cvar: poi_GoalHeightOffset
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_scale_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_scale_vehicle
Resetting cheat cvar: blendTree_scale
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_jobnav_mindist
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_first_step_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_step_foot
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_first_step
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_minimap_ant_step
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_scopeZoomDistance
Resetting cheat cvar: gc_fictionBlurAmount
Resetting cheat cvar: cine_cameraAccel
Resetting cheat cvar: rcbomb_initialOffset
Resetting cheat cvar: cam_deathCamblurTime
Resetting cheat cvar: cam_deathCamblurAmount
Resetting cheat cvar: revivecam_HeightEnd
Resetting cheat cvar: revivecam_HeightStart
Resetting cheat cvar: spl_qn_pathbonus
Resetting cheat cvar: spl_qn_zpenelty
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_invFadeTime
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_NonPlayerOneShotChance
Resetting cheat cvar: ai_droppedLootDistance
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_jump_dist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_dist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_decayIn
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_push_decayOut
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_ct_checkDist
Resetting cheat cvar: g_playerDamageThreshold
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_combatSubtitleRange
Resetting cheat cvar: swf_subtitleRange
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MaxDmg
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MinDmg
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MaxVel
Resetting cheat cvar: vehicle_clientImpactDmg_MinVel
Resetting cheat cvar: v_steerControlClamp
Resetting cheat cvar: v_steerControlInfluence
Resetting cheat cvar: v_compressiontime
Resetting cheat cvar: v_dusttime
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientZoomInDelay
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_warnDist
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_minDistZ
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_Lerp
Resetting cheat cvar: pm_clientAuthoritative_minDist
Resetting cheat cvar: net_voiceVolume
Resetting cheat cvar: net_peer_throttle_bps_decay
Resetting cheat cvar: net_debughud3_bps_max
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...using WGL_EXT_swap_control
X..WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear not found
unknown error: 0x0
Rage.exe @ 0x0068f0bc(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x006a96b4(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x006a983c(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x006a98dc(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x0058921e(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x005f9c5b(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
user32.dll @ 0x7ec61eba(  ) +  bytes () : WINPROC_wrapper(  )
user32.dll @ 0x7ec624ea(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
user32.dll @ 0x7ec64985(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
user32.dll @ 0x7ec26fbe(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
user32.dll @ 0x7ec2dcb4(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
user32.dll @ 0x7ec30152(  ) +  bytes () : SendMessageA(  )
user32.dll @ 0x7ec59600(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
user32.dll @ 0x7ec52851(  ) +  bytes () : CreateWindowExA(  )
Rage.exe @ 0x0058b799(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x0058c05c(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x00565616(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x005ec01f(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
Rage.exe @ 0x006aa4b9(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
ntdll.dll @ 0x7bc806ec(  ) +  bytes () : call_thread_func_wrapper(  )
ntdll.dll @ 0x7bc836bd(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
ntdll.dll @ 0x7bc806ca(  ) +  bytes () : RtlRaiseException(  )
ntdll.dll @ 0x7bc8b48f(  ) +  bytes () : ** UNKNOWN **( ** FUNC_PARAM_ERROR ** )
** MODULE_NAME_ERROR ** @ 0xf75a5295(  ) +  bytes () : start_thread(  )
ERROR: wglCreateContextAttribsARB failed
Dumped console text to C:\users\peter\Saved Games\id Software\Rage\base\ErrorLog_01-08-2017__08-41-46pm.txt.

Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...releasing DC
...destroying window

wglCreateContextAttribsARB failed
por Peter Scollard 07.01.2017 / 05:32

1 resposta



Você deve conseguir executar o RAGE, possivelmente com algumas soluções alternativas.

O BO2 é uma história diferente.

Se você falhar ou tiver sucesso, por favor, faça um relatório sobre o WineAppDB nele, é assim que outras pessoas sabem como rodar os jogos e se você fizer um relatório de erro apropriado, os desenvolvedores provavelmente irão corrigir isso.

por C0rn3j 08.01.2017 / 21:48
