apt-offline apenas instala pacotes específicos e não atualiza / atualiza


apt-offline parece ser uma ótima ferramenta para instalar pacotes em uma máquina sem rede.

No entanto, estou tendo um problema em que ele faz um update/upgrade em vez de apenas instalar os pacotes que eu especifiquei. Existe uma maneira de forçá-lo a instalar apenas os pacotes selecionados (e suas dependências)?

por Breedly 23.03.2016 / 16:21

1 resposta


De acordo com a página de manual do apt-offline, você precisa seguir esta sequência:

Sequence  1:  The following set of commands, when run in sequence, will
   update a disconnected machine.

          apt-offline set update.sig --update

          (Generate the required data needed to update the  APT  database.
          Should be run on the disconnected machine)

          apt-offline get update.sig --bundle update.zip

          (Download  the  required data needed to update the APT database.
          Should be run on a machine with internet connectivity)

          apt-offline install update.zip

          (Installs the data needed to update the APT database. Should  be
          run on the disconnected machine)

Sequence  2: With successful completion of Sequence 1, the APT database
   on the disconnected machine will be up-to-date. Now, the following  set
   of commands, when run in sequence, will upgrade a disconnected machine.

          apt-offline set upgrade.sig --upgrade

          (Genereate  the  required  data needed to upgrade the upgradable
          packages. Should be run on the disconnected machine)

          apt-offline get upgrade.sig --bundle upgrade.zip

          (Download the required data needed  to  upgrade  the  upgradable
          packages. Should be run on a machine with internet connectivity)

          apt-offline install upgrade.zip

          (Installs  the  data  needed to upgrade the upgradable packages.
          Should be run on the disconnected machine)

After completion of
          Sequence 1 and Sequence 2  in  order,  further  running  apt-get
          upgrade will result in 0 bytes of additional download.
por sylvain 10.01.2017 / 11:52