A conexão sem fio é interrompida


Estou com problemas para me manter conectado à Internet no trabalho. É estranho porque isso não aconteceu com a minha rede doméstica, mas há algo sobre o escritório - provavelmente mais complicado - que me desconecta aleatoriamente o tempo todo.


  • It doesn't happen to other computers.
  • Even the IT guys don't know what's going on.
  • Once it disconnects, it won't connect again until I restart the computer (pfff). After that, it just won't find the connection.
  • It may happen within 5 minutes or a couple of hours.
  • It happens with both secure and guest connections.
  • The only remedy so far is to use Ethernet cable, which at the point is not very doable.
  • I have Ubuntu 14.04.
  • I don't know about networks, or commands for the terminal, so any of those are welcome too.
por Diego 05.07.2014 / 15:19

1 resposta


Reinstale os pacotes de drivers:

sudo apt-get --reinstall install build-essential libssl-dev linux-headers-'uname -r' linux-firmware-nonfree
por user308564 05.07.2014 / 16:26