Um temporizador para configurar alarmes diferentes simultaneosly


Eu tentei alarm-clock-applet , mas tenho que configurar várias contagem regressiva e não posso iniciá-los juntos, mas é útil.

Eu gostaria de um aplicativo que me permitisse usar um único timer com vários alarmes. Por exemplo, 30s + 45s + 60s + 45s + 120s (que não são contagens regressivas) que eu posso lançar com um clique ou ainda melhor configurar para repetir X vezes.

É possível, talvez, com algum script? (Um aplicativo seria melhor).

por Scorpion 23.05.2018 / 11:56

1 resposta


multi-timer bash script

O script multi-timer bash funciona nas versões 14.04, 16.04 e 18.04 do Ubuntu. Ele também funciona no Windows 10 com o Ubuntu 16.04 Desktop instalado.


  • Mantémaconfiguraçãoentreosusos.
  • Até19timerssãoexecutadossequencialmenteemumconjunto.
  • Barradeprogressoparacadatemporizador.
  • Oconjuntodecronômetrospodeserexecutadováriasvezes.
  • Barradeprogressoparaoconjunto.
  • Barradeprogressoparatodososconjuntos.
  • Promptopcionalparainiciarcadacronômetroe/ouconjunto.
  • Mensagempop-upopcionalquandocadatimere/ouconjuntotermina.
  • Alarmeopcionalquandocadatimere/ouconjuntotermina.
  • TeladebloqueioopcionalquandocadatimerOUconjuntoOUtodososconjuntosterminam.
  • InterfaceopcionalparaoindicadorSysmonitor,paraqueoSystraymostreascontagensregressivas.
  • Abarradeprogressodefechamentoopcionaléexibidaquandotodososconjuntosdecronômetrosterminam.





  • defineunidadesdetempoemsegundos/minutos
  • definaquantasvezesexecutarumconjuntodecronômetros.
  • linkparaoarquivodesomusadoparaalarmesdetimer
  • opçãoparabloquearatelanofinaldecadatimer,conjuntooutodososconjuntos
  • opçõesadicionaisconformeilustradoabaixo



  • DefinaaliasparacadatemporizadoremvezdeTemporizador1,Temporizador2,etc.
  • Definaonúmerodesegundosouminutosquecadacronômetroexecuta.



  • cadatimerativo(oscronômetrosdeduraçãozeronãosãoexibidos)
  • cadaconjunto(sehouverdoisoumaiscronômetrosativosnoconjunto)
  • todososconjuntos(sedoisoumaisconjuntosforemexecutados)















#!/bin/bash # NAME: multi-timer # DESC: Multiple timers countdown with alarm. #"automatically close # progress bar display when all Sets finish". Remove '~/.multi-timer' # to delete configuration file before running update. # 2018-06-19 Set fWindows flag to TRUE/FALSE instead of true/false. # 2018-11-04 Early exit call Cleanup ()? For some reason sysmon-indicator # still displays: '~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining'??? # Alarm only sounding for first timer but pop-up appears for all??? # See changes to /etc/pulse/ below: #### Automatically suspend sinks/sources that become idle for too long # Nov 4, 2018 - causes 3 to 5 second delay if last sound was 30 seconds ago. # So you get sound delayed unpausing video or miss multi-timer alerts. Add # # load-module module-suspend-on-idle # This still doesn't fix when switching between sound sources though. # Use longer alarm over 5 seconds instead. # NOTE: Following conventions are used: # Functions must be defined above point where they are called. # Yad style TRUE/FALSE instead of Bash true/false convention. # Variables beginning with- s is string # - i is integer # - f is TRUE/FALSE # - a is array # - cb is combobox # Must have the yad package. command -v yad >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 \ "yad package required but it is not installed. Aborting."; \ exit 99; } # Running under WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)? if grep -Fxq "Microsoft" /proc/version; then fWindows10=TRUE else fWindows10=FALSE fi # On Skylake i7-6700HQ .467 seconds lost over 20 minutes incl writing to file. if [[ "$1" == "-l" ]] || [[ "$1" == "--log-lost-time" ]] ; then fLog=TRUE else fLog=FALSE fi KEY="12345" # Key for tying Notebook pages (tabs) together OIFS=$IFS; # Save current IFS (Input File Separator) IFS="|"; # Yad fields and Bash array indices separated by '|' aMulti=() # Main array for storing configuration # Temporary files for Notebook output res1=$(mktemp --tmpdir iface1.XXXXXXXX) # Notebook Configuraion Page (Tab 1) res2=$(mktemp --tmpdir iface2.XXXXXXXX) # Notebook Timers Page (Tab 2) DefaultSound="/usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/stereo/alarm-clock-elapsed.oga" Cleanup () { rm -f "$res1" "$res2" # Remove temporary files IFS=$OIFS; # Retore Input File Separator if [[ -f ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining ]]; then # Remove Sysmonitor Indicator interface file. rm -f ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining fi } # Comboboxes, constants and Index offsets cbTimeUnits="Seconds!Minutes" cbLockScreen="Never!Each timer end!Each set end!All sets end" TIME_UNIT_NDX=0 SET_COUNT_NDX=1 PROGRESS_INTERVAL_NDX=2 ALARM_FILENAME_NDX=3 LOCK_SCREEN_NDX=4 PROMPT_BEFORE_TIMER_NDX=5 END_TIMER_MESSAGE_NDX=6 END_TIMER_ALARM_NDX=7 PROMPT_BEFORE_SET_NDX=8 END_SET_MESSAGE_NDX=9 END_SET_ALARM_NDX=10 SYSMONITOR_INDICATOR_NDX=11 CLOSE_PROGRAM_AT_END_NDX=12 TMR_ALIAS_NDX=13 # No. of timers default is 17 for 768 line screen and TMR_DURATION_NDX is 30 TMR_DURATION_NDX=30 # Set to 28 for 800x600 screen, 32 for 1920x1080 screen MAX_TIMERS=17 # Set to 15 for 800x600 screen, 19 for 1920x1080 screen ReadConfiguration () { if [[ -s ~/.multi-timer ]]; then read -ra aMulti < ~/.multi-timer for (( i=0; i<MAX_TIMERS; i++ )); do aAlias[i]="${aMulti[ i+TMR_ALIAS_NDX ]}" aDuration[i]="${aMulti[ i+TMR_DURATION_NDX ]}" done # Set Combobox default with ^ prefix Str="${aMulti[TIME_UNIT_NDX]}" cbTimeUnits="${cbTimeUnits/$Str/\^$Str}" Str="${aMulti[LOCK_SCREEN_NDX]}" cbLockScreen="${cbLockScreen/$Str/\^$Str}" else # Create new file aMulti[TIME_UNIT_NDX]="Seconds" aMulti[SET_COUNT_NDX]=1 aMulti[PROGRESS_INTERVAL_NDX]=1 aMulti[ALARM_FILENAME_NDX]="$DefaultSound" aMulti[LOCK_SCREEN_NDX]="Never" aMulti[PROMPT_BEFORE_TIMER_NDX]="FALSE" aMulti[END_TIMER_MESSAGE_NDX]="FALSE" aMulti[END_TIMER_ALARM_NDX]="TRUE" aMulti[PROMPT_BEFORE_SET_NDX]="FALSE" aMulti[END_SET_MESSAGE_NDX]="FALSE" aMulti[END_SET_ALARM_NDX]="FALSE" aMulti[SYSMONITOR_INDICATOR_NDX]="FALSE" aMulti[CLOSE_PROGRAM_AT_END_NDX]="FALSE" aAlias=("Timer 1" "Timer 2" "Timer 3" "Timer 4" "Timer 5" \ "Timer 6" "Timer 7" "Timer 8" "Timer 9" "Timer 10" \ "Timer 11" "Timer 12" "Timer 13" "Timer 14" "Timer 15" \ "Timer 16" "Timer 17" "Timer 18" "Timer 19") aDuration=(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) fi } BuildTimerPage () { aTimerPage=() for ((i=0; i<MAX_TIMERS; i++)); do b1=$(( i + 1 )) aTimerPage+=("--field=Timer $b1 Alias:") aTimerPage+=("${aAlias[i]}") done for ((i=0; i<MAX_TIMERS; i++)); do aTimerPage+=("--field=Duration::NUM") aTimerPage+=("${aDuration[i]}") done } GetParameters () { # configuration notebook page yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=1 --form \ --field="Timer duration units::CB" "$cbTimeUnits" \ --field="Number of times to run set (all timers)::NUM" \ "${aMulti[SET_COUNT_NDX]}"!1..99!1!0 \ --field="Progress Bar update every x seconds::NUM" \ "${aMulti[PROGRESS_INTERVAL_NDX]}"!1..60!1!0 \ --field="Alarm sound filename:FL" "${aMulti[ALARM_FILENAME_NDX]}" \ --field="Lock screen::CB" "$cbLockScreen" \ --field="Ask to begin each timer:CHK" \ "${aMulti[PROMPT_BEFORE_TIMER_NDX]}" \ --field="Pop-up message when each timer ends:CHK" \ "${aMulti[END_TIMER_MESSAGE_NDX]}" \ --field="Sound alarm when each timer ends:CHK" \ "${aMulti[END_TIMER_ALARM_NDX]}" \ --field="Ask to begin each set (all timers):CHK" \ "${aMulti[PROMPT_BEFORE_SET_NDX]}" \ --field="Pop-up message when each set ends:CHK" \ "${aMulti[END_SET_MESSAGE_NDX]}" \ --field="Sound alarm when each set ends:CHK" \ "${aMulti[END_SET_ALARM_NDX]}" \ --field="Interface to Sysmonitor Indicator:CHK" \ "${aMulti[SYSMONITOR_INDICATOR_NDX]}" \ --field="Auto close progress bar display when all sets end:CHK" \ "${aMulti[CLOSE_PROGRAM_AT_END_NDX]}" > "$res1" & # timers notebook page BuildTimerPage yad --plug=$KEY --tabnum=2 --form --columns=2 \ "${aTimerPage[@]}" > "$res2" & # run main dialog # --image=gnome-calculator if yad --notebook --key=$KEY --tab="Configuration" --tab="Timers" \ --image=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/appointment-soon.png \ --title="multi-timer setup" --auto-close \ --width=400 --image-on-top --text="Multiple Timer settings" then # When LC_NUMERIC=it_IT-UTF8 30 seconds can be '30,000000' or # '30.000000' which breaks bash tests for '-gt 0'. # Search and replace ".000000" or ",000000" to null sed -i 's/[,.]000000//g' "$res1" sed -i 's/[,.]000000//g' "$res2" # Save configuration truncate -s -1 "$res1" # Remove new line at EOF cat "$res1" > ~/.multi-timer truncate -s -2 "$res2" # Remove trailing "|" and new line at EOF cat "$res2" >> ~/.multi-timer # Get user changes into aAlias & aDuration ReadConfiguration return 0 else return 1 # Cancel click or Escape press fi } fNewRun=FALSE fNewTimer=FALSE iSetSaveSec=0 InitTimers () { if [[ "${aMulti[TIME_UNIT_NDX]}" == "Seconds" ]]; then fUnitsInSeconds=TRUE else fUnitsInSeconds=FALSE fi iActiveTimersCount=0 for ((i=0; i<MAX_TIMERS; i++)); do if [[ ${aDuration[i]} -gt 0 ]] ; then (( iActiveTimersCount++ )) iSetSaveSec=$(( iSetSaveSec + ${aDuration[i]} )) fi done # Progress Bars, 1 per timer + optional: set and/or set count iAllSetsSaveCount="${aMulti[SET_COUNT_NDX]}" iAllSetsRemainingCount=$iAllSetsSaveCount fSetProgressBar=FALSE # Summary progress bar when > 1 timer used iSetProgressBarNo=0 fAllSetsProgressBar=FALSE # Summary progress bar when > 1 run iAllSetsProgressBarNo=0 if [[ $iActiveTimersCount -eq 0 ]]; then # If active timers count = 0, error message & clear run count yad --title "mutli-timer error" --center --text \ "At least one non-zero timer required." --image=dialog-error \ --on-top --borders=20 --button=gtk-close:0 iAllSetsRemainingCount=0 # Set orderly exit via sibling function(s) iProgressBarCount=0 fAbend=TRUE else # Active timers count > 0 so calculate times fNewTimer=TRUE fNewRun=TRUE [[ $fUnitsInSeconds == FALSE ]] && \ iSetSaveSec=$(( iSetSaveSec * 60 )) iAllSetsSaveCountSec=$(( iSetSaveSec * iAllSetsRemainingCount )) iAllSetsElapsedSec=0 iProgressBarCount=$iActiveTimersCount if [[ $iActiveTimersCount -gt 1 ]]; then (( iProgressBarCount++ )) # Extra progress bar for Set fSetProgressBar=TRUE iSetProgressBarNo=$iProgressBarCount fi if [[ $iAllSetsRemainingCount -gt 1 ]]; then (( iProgressBarCount++ )) # Extra progress bar for Set Count fAllSetsProgressBar=TRUE iAllSetsProgressBarNo=$iProgressBarCount fi fi # Friendly variable names instead of Array entries iProgressSleepSeconds="${aMulti[PROGRESS_INTERVAL_NDX]}" sSoundFilename="${aMulti[ALARM_FILENAME_NDX]}" fPromptBeforeTimer="${aMulti[PROMPT_BEFORE_TIMER_NDX]}" fEndTimerMessage="${aMulti[END_TIMER_MESSAGE_NDX]}" fEndTimerAlarm="${aMulti[END_TIMER_ALARM_NDX]}" fPromptBeforeSetRun="${aMulti[PROMPT_BEFORE_SET_NDX]}" fEndSetMessage="${aMulti[END_SET_MESSAGE_NDX]}" fEndSetAlarm="${aMulti[END_SET_ALARM_NDX]}" fSysmonitorIndicator="${aMulti[SYSMONITOR_INDICATOR_NDX]}" fCloseProgramAtEnd="${aMulti[CLOSE_PROGRAM_AT_END_NDX]}" } # Optional lost time log file monitors program execution time for progress # bars [[ $fLog == TRUE ]] && echo "multi-timer lost time log" > ~/multi-timer.log PromptToStart () { # $1= Message key text # Dialog box to proceed with timer. yad --title "mutli-timer notification" --center --on-top \ --fontname="Serif bold italic 28" \ --text "Ready to start $1" \ --image=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/appointment-soon.png \ --borders=20 --button=gtk-execute:0 LastWakeMicroSeconds=$(date +%s%N) # Eliminate time waiting for user } EndMessageAndAlarm () { # $1= fEndTimerMessage, $2= fEndTimerAlarm, $3= Message key text # Sound alarm when timer ends if [[ "$2" == TRUE ]]; then if [[ ! -f "$sSoundFilename" ]]; then notify-send --urgency=critical "multi-timer" \ --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/appointment-soon.png \ "Sound file not found: $sSoundFilename" elif [[ $fWindows10 == TRUE ]]; then powershell.exe -c "(New-Object Media.SoundPlayer $sSoundFilename).PlaySync();" else paplay "$sSoundFilename" ; fi fi # Bubble message when timer ends if [[ "$1" == TRUE ]]; then notify-send --urgency=critical "multi-timer" \ --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/appointment-soon.png \ "$3 has ended." # Something bold to test. Set $3 has ended. into $phrase # /usr/bin/notify-send --urgency=critical --icon=clock -t 4000 \ # "<i>Time Now</i>" "<span color='#57dafd' font='26px'><i><b>$phrase</b></i></span>" >/dev/null 2>&1 fi } LockScreenCheck () { # $1=Run type being checked: # "Each timer end" / "Each set end" / "All sets end" [[ "$1" != "${aMulti[$LOCK_SCREEN_NDX]}" ]] && return 0 # When locking screen override & prompt to start next timer / run [[ "$1" == "Each timer end" ]] && fPromptBeforeTimer=TRUE [[ "$1" == "Each set end" ]] && fPromptBeforeSetRun=TRUE if [[ $fWindows10 == TRUE ]]; then # Call lock screen for Windows 10 rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation else # Call screen saver lock for Unbuntu versions >= 14.04. dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver /org/gnome/ScreenSaver org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock fi } iCurrTimerNo=0 iCurrTimerNdx=0 TotalLostTime=0 PrepareNewSet () { # Was a set just completed? if [[ $iAllSetsRemainingCount -ne $iAllSetsSaveCount ]]; then # Display mssage and/or sound alarm for set end EndMessageAndAlarm $fEndSetMessage $fEndSetAlarm \ "$sSetProgressText" # Check to lock screen LockScreenCheck "Each set end" fi if [[ $iAllSetsRemainingCount -eq 0 ]]; then # We are done. Force exit from all while loops. fNewRun=FALSE fNewTimer=FALSE else # Decrement remaining run count and start at first timer. (( iAllSetsRemainingCount-- )) iSetElapsedSec=0 fNewTimer=TRUE iCurrTimerNo=0 iCurrTimerNdx=0 iNextTimerNdx=0 iCurrSetNo=$(( iAllSetsSaveCount - iAllSetsRemainingCount )) sSetProgressText="Set $iCurrSetNo of $iAllSetsSaveCount" [[ $fPromptBeforeSetRun == TRUE ]] && \ PromptToStart "$sSetProgressText" fi } PrepareNewTimer () { iCurrTimerElapsedSec=0 if [[ $iCurrTimerNo -eq $iActiveTimersCount ]]; then # Last timer done. Force exit from inner while loop. fNewTimer=FALSE return 0 fi for ((i=iNextTimerNdx; i<MAX_TIMERS; i++ )); do if [[ ${aDuration[i]} -gt 0 ]]; then iCurrTimerNdx=$i (( iCurrTimerNo++ )) # Increment progress bar number iNextTimerNdx=$(( iCurrTimerNdx + 1 )) iCurrTimerSaveSec=${aDuration[i]} [[ $fUnitsInSeconds == FALSE ]] && \ iCurrTimerSaveSec=$(( iCurrTimerSaveSec * 60 )) iCurrTimerRemainingSec=$iCurrTimerSaveSec break fi done } # Next function could be embedded within InitTimers to save space # and code line count but this provides better readability IMO. SetupYadProgressBars () { aYadProgressBars=("yad" "--multi-progress" "--center") aYadProgressBars+=("--title=multi-timer progress") [[ $fCloseProgramAtEnd == TRUE ]] && aYadProgressBars+=("--auto-close") aYadProgressBars+=("--auto-kill" "--watch-bar$iProgressBarCount") for ((i=0; i<MAX_TIMERS; i++)); do if [[ ${aDuration[i]} -gt 0 ]] ; then b1=$(( i + 1 )) aYadProgressBars+=("--bar=Timer $b1 - ${aAlias[i]}:NORM") fi done if [[ $fSetProgressBar == TRUE ]]; then aYadProgressBars+=("--bar=Set:NORM") fi if [[ $fAllSetsProgressBar == TRUE ]]; then aYadProgressBars+=("--bar=All Sets:NORM") fi } DisplayProgressBar () { # Parameters # $1=Elapsed Time, $2=Total Time, $3=Bar Number, # $4=TRUE/FALSE if eligible to update Sysmonitor Indicator # $5=Sysmonitor Indicator text for interface file or null # $6=Progress Text Prefix, ie "Set 2 of 4: " or null iPercentage=$(( $1 * 100 / $2 )) echo "$3:$iPercentage" RemainingSec=$(( $2 - $1 )) h=$((RemainingSec/3600)) m=$(((RemainingSec%3600)/60)) s=$((RemainingSec%60)) TimeRemaining="" [[ $h -gt 0 ]] && TimeRemaining=$TimeRemaining" $h Hours" [[ $m -gt 0 ]] && TimeRemaining=$TimeRemaining" $m Minutes" [[ $s -gt 0 ]] && TimeRemaining=$TimeRemaining" $s Seconds" if [[ $TimeRemaining == "" ]]; then echo "$3:#$6Finished." else echo "$3:#$6$TimeRemaining remaining." fi if [[ $fSysmonitorIndicator == TRUE ]] && [[ $4 == TRUE ]]; then echo "$5: $TimeRemaining" > ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining fi } ProcessCurrTimer () { sTimerAlias="${aAlias[iCurrTimerNdx]}" # Dialog box to proceed with timer. [[ $fPromptBeforeTimer == TRUE ]] && PromptToStart "$sTimerAlias" iLastSleepSec=0 [[ $fLog == TRUE ]] && echo Start timer: "${aAlias[iCurrTimerNdx]}" \ >> ~/multi-timer.log while [[ $iCurrTimerElapsedSec -lt $iCurrTimerSaveSec ]]; do iCurrTimerElapsedSec=$(( iCurrTimerElapsedSec + iLastSleepSec)) iSetElapsedSec=$(( iSetElapsedSec + iLastSleepSec)) iAllSetsElapsedSec=$(( iAllSetsElapsedSec + iLastSleepSec)) DisplayProgressBar $iCurrTimerElapsedSec $iCurrTimerSaveSec \ $iCurrTimerNo TRUE "${aAlias[iCurrTimerNdx]}" "" "" if [[ $fSetProgressBar == TRUE ]] ; then DisplayProgressBar $iSetElapsedSec $iSetSaveSec \ $iSetProgressBarNo FALSE "" "$sSetProgressText: " fi [[ $fAllSetsProgressBar == TRUE ]] && \ DisplayProgressBar $iAllSetsElapsedSec $iAllSetsSaveCountSec \ $iAllSetsProgressBarNo FALSE "" "" # We sleep lesser of iProgressSleepSeconds or iCurrTimerRemainingSec iCurrTimerRemainingSec=$(( iCurrTimerRemainingSec - iLastSleepSec)) if [[ $iProgressSleepSeconds -gt $iCurrTimerRemainingSec ]]; then iLastSleepSec=$iCurrTimerRemainingSec else iLastSleepSec=$iProgressSleepSeconds fi tt=$((($(date +%s%N) - LastWakeMicroSeconds)/1000000)) [[ $fLog == TRUE ]] && echo "Last lost time: $tt milliseconds" \ >> ~/multi-timer.log TotalLostTime=$(( TotalLostTime + tt )) [[ $fLog == TRUE ]] && echo "Total Lost: $TotalLostTime milliseconds" \ >> ~/multi-timer.log sleep $iLastSleepSec LastWakeMicroSeconds=$(date +%s%N) done # Currently removing Sysmonitor Indicator after current timer. Need to # modify to do it based on choice box for "Lock Screen". if [[ -f ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining ]]; then # Remove Sysmonitor Indicator interface file. rm -f ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining fi # Check for and display mssage and/or sound alarm EndMessageAndAlarm $fEndTimerMessage $fEndTimerAlarm \ "Timer: $sTimerAlias" # cbLockScreen="Never!Each timer end!Each set end!All sets end" LockScreenCheck "Each timer end" } ZeroIndividualTimerProgressBars () { for ((i=1; i<=iActiveTimersCount; i++)); do echo "$i:0" echo "$i:#" done } ################################### # MAINLINE # ################################### ReadConfiguration if GetParameters ; then : else # Escape or Cancel from yad notebook Cleanup exit 1 fi InitTimers if [[ $fAbend == TRUE ]]; then Cleanup exit 1 fi SetupYadProgressBars PrepareNewSet LastWakeMicroSeconds=$(date +%s%N) while [[ $fNewRun == TRUE ]]; do PrepareNewTimer while [[ $fNewTimer == TRUE ]]; do ProcessCurrTimer PrepareNewTimer done PrepareNewSet [[ $fNewRun == TRUE ]] && ZeroIndividualTimerProgressBars [[ $fLog == TRUE ]] && echo "Set Lost Time: $TotalLostTime milliseconds" \ >> ~/multi-timer.log # For some reason value is zero? done | "${aYadProgressBars[@]}" LockScreenCheck "All sets end" # TO-DO why is $TotalLostTime zero below? [[ $fLog == TRUE ]] && echo "All sets lost time: $TotalLostTime milliseconds" \ >> ~/multi-timer.log Cleanup exit 0

Interface do Indicador Sysmonitor

Você pode atualizar a área da bandeja do sistema / indicador de aplicativo com o tempo restante junto com uma "pizza de texto giratória", conforme ilustrado no GIF acima da listagem do bash.

Para configurar o Sysmonitor Indicator, consulte este Q & A: O BASH pode exibir no systray como indicador de aplicação?

por WinEunuuchs2Unix 23.05.2018 / 13:14