meu adaptador de internet diz que não há tal dispositivo ao executar um comando no terminal


A questão é que, depois de digitar essa primeira linha, é exibida a mensagem

ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device video recording this process can be found here

# airmon-ng start wlp1s0
Found 5 processes that could cause trouble.
If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after
a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!

PID Name
953 NetworkManager
959 avahi-daemon
1030    avahi-daemon
1111    wpa_supplicant
4336    dhclient
Process with PID 4336 (dhclient) is running on interface wlp1s0

Interface   Chipset     Driver

wlp1s0      Broadcom    wl - [phy0]mon0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device

                (monitor mode enabled on mon0)

hyundai-ThinkPad-11e ~ # airodump-ng mon0
Interface mon0: 
ioctl(SIOCGIFINDEX) failed: No such device
por Matthew Clark 14.05.2018 / 18:03

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