Você pode fazer isso no Ubuntu Bash no Windows
Aqui está a configuração da minha partição:
sda 931.5G HGST HTS721010A9
├─sda4 ntfs WINRETOOLS 450M
├─sda2 128M
├─sda5 ntfs Image 11.4G
├─sda3 ntfs HGST_Win10 /mnt/d 919G
└─sda1 vfat ESP 500M
nvme0n1 477G Samsung SSD 960 PRO 512GB
├─nvme0n1p5 ext4 NVMe_Ubuntu_16.0 / 44.6G
├─nvme0n1p3 16M
├─nvme0n1p1 ntfs 450M
├─nvme0n1p6 swap Linux Swap [SWAP] 7.9G
├─nvme0n1p4 ntfs NVMe_Win10 /mnt/c 414.9G
├─nvme0n1p2 vfat /boot/efi 99M
└─nvme0n1p7 ntfs Shared_WSL+Linux /mnt/e 9G
é compartilhado entre o Windows e o Ubuntu
Eu configurei uma partição de 9 GB que tanto o WSL (Windows Subsystem para Linux) quanto o Ubuntu podem ter em seus caminhos e executar programas. Aqui está a árvore para isso:
$ sudo tree /mnt/e -d
├── bin
├── boot
│ └── grub
│ ├── fonts
│ ├── i386-pc
│ └── locale
├── Desktop
├── Documents
├── Downloads
│ └── WinScreeny-master
├── etc
│ ├── apt
│ │ ├── sources.list.d
│ │ └── trusted.gpg.d
│ ├── cron.d
│ │ └── test-directory
│ ├── cron.daily
│ ├── cron.hourly
│ ├── cron.monthly
│ ├── cron.weekly
│ ├── default
│ ├── ssmtp
│ └── systemd
│ ├── network
│ ├── system
│ │ ├── bluetooth.target.wants
│ │ ├── default.target.wants
│ │ ├── display-manager.service.wants
│ │ ├── final.target.wants
│ │ ├── getty.target.wants
│ │ ├── graphical.target.wants
│ │ ├── hibernate.target.wants
│ │ ├── hybrid-sleep.target.wants
│ │ ├── multi-user.target.wants
│ │ ├── network-online.target.wants
│ │ ├── paths.target.wants
│ │ ├── printer.target.wants
│ │ ├── sleep.target.wants
│ │ ├── sockets.target.wants
│ │ ├── suspend.target.wants
│ │ ├── sysinit.target.wants
│ │ └── timers.target.wants
│ └── user
├── lib
│ └── systemd
│ └── system-sleep
│ └── S-1-5-21-1568003092-1971238075-3041751339-1001
├── System Volume Information
├── Temporary Work
├── usr
│ ├── local
│ │ └── bin
│ │ ├── bell
│ │ │ └── sounds
│ │ ├── startup-scripts
│ │ └── zap
│ │ └── Assembly-Intro-hello
│ │ ├── BeOS
│ │ ├── FreeBSD
│ │ └── Linux
│ └── share
│ └── plymouth
│ └── themes
│ ├── details
│ ├── earth-sunrise
│ ├── text
│ ├── tribar
│ ├── ubuntu-logo
│ └── ubuntu-text
└── wsl-linux-tmp
71 directories
Criando um programa híbrido
Eu peguei um dos meus programas: Aplicativo que bloqueará a tela após um determinado período de tempo para o Ubuntu e a modificou para reconhecer quando executado no Windows 10 e emitir os comandos powershell
em vez dos comandos do Ubuntu para bolhas de mensagem e sons do sistema.
Por exemplo, aqui está um trecho de código para verificar se o ambiente é Windows e usa um comando diferente do que no Ubuntu:
if [[ $WSL_running == true ]]; then
powershell.exe -c '(New-Object Media.SoundPlayer "C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav").PlaySync();'
ogg123 '/usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/phone-outgoing-calling.ogg' ;
Aqui está o código bash completo depois que o aplicativo foi criado em um híbrido Windows / Ubuntu:
$ cat /mnt/e/bin/lock-screen-timer
# NAME: lock-screen-timer
# PATH: $HOME/bin
# DESC: Lock screen in x minutes
# CALL: Place on Desktop or call from Terminal with "lock-screen-timer 99"
# DATE: Created Nov 19, 2016. Last revision Nov 12, 2017.
# UPDT: Updated to support WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)
# NOTE: Time defaults to 30 minutes.
# If previous version is sleeping it is killed.
# Zenity is used to pop up entry box to get number of minutes.
# If zenity is closed with X or Cancel, no screen lock timer is launched.
# Pending lock warning displayed on-screen at set intervals.
# Write time remaining to ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining
MINUTES="$1" # Optional parameter 1 when invoked from terminal.
# if no parameters set default MINUTES to 30
if [ $# == 0 ]; then
DEFAULT="$MINUTES" # When looping, minutes count down to zero. Save deafult for subsequent timers.
# Check if lock screen timer already running
pID=$(pgrep -f "${0##*/}") # All PIDs matching lock-screen-timer name
PREVIOUS=$(echo "$pID" | grep -v ^"$$") # Strip out this running copy ($$$)
if [ "$PREVIOUS" != "" ]; then
kill "$PREVIOUS"
rm ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining
zenity --info --title="Lock screen timer already running" --text="Previous lock screen timer has been terminated."
# Running under WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)?
if cat /proc/version | grep Microsoft; then
while true ; do # loop until cancel
# Get number of minutes until lock from user
MINUTES=$(zenity --entry --title="Lock screen timer" --text="Set number of minutes until lock" --entry-text="$DEFAULT")
RESULT=$? # Zenity return code
if [ $RESULT != 0 ]; then
break ; # break out of timer lock screen loop and end this script.
DEFAULT="$MINUTES" # Save deafult for subsequent timers.
if [[ $MINUTES == 0 ]] || [[ $MINUTES == "" ]]; then
break ; # zero minutes considered cancel.
# Loop for X minutes, testing each minute for alert message.
(( ++MINUTES ))
while (( --MINUTES > 0 )); do
case $MINUTES in 1|2|3|5|10|15|30|45|60|120|480|960|1920)
notify-send --urgency=critical --icon=/usr/share/icons/gnome/256x256/status/appointment-soon.png "Locking screen in ""$MINUTES"" minute(s)." ;
if [[ $WSL_running == true ]]; then
powershell.exe -c '(New-Object Media.SoundPlayer "C:\Windows\Media\notify.wav").PlaySync();'
ogg123 '/usr/share/sounds/ubuntu/stereo/phone-outgoing-calling.ogg' ;
# Record number of minutes remaining to file other processes can read.
echo "$MINUTES Minutes" > ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining
sleep 60
rm ~/.lock-screen-timer-remaining # Remove work file others can see our progress with
if [[ $WSL_running == true ]]; then
# Call lock screen for Windows 10
rundll32.exe user32.dll,LockWorkStation
# Call screen saver lock for Unbuntu versions > 14.04.
dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.ScreenSaver /org/gnome/ScreenSaver org.gnome.ScreenSaver.Lock
# Reset sound to Laptop or HDMI TV - Uncomment to fix sound device changing
# sleep 5 # HDMI deactivates when screen turned off. Give 5 seconds for TV to resync screen.
# hotplugtv
done # End of while loop getting minutes to next lock screen
exit 0 # Closed dialog box or "Cancel" selected.