Como posso determinar qual processo possui uma tecla de atalho no Windows?


Com uma tecla de atalho, como posso descobrir qual programa é o proprietário?

por aldrinleal 23.07.2009 / 11:49

3 respostas


Cuidado : Se você usar o Win 8 ou posterior, não use este utilitário, pois isso criará alguns problemas - veja os comentários.

Se você estiver executando um Windows anterior ao Windows 8, Windows Hotkey Explorer provavelmente é o que você deseja. Isso também é mencionado na pergunta do StackOverflow: < em> Descubra qual processo registrou uma tecla de atalho global? (API do Windows) .

por 21.09.2010 / 15:14

Isso funciona para mim no Win10 (e provavelmente em todas as versões do Windows, até mesmo vagamente recentes) ... também copiado aqui do link porque esta página parece aparecer primeiro nos resultados de pesquisa:

One possible way is to use the Visual Studio tool Spy++.

Give this a try:

  1. Run the tool (for me, it's at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio17\Community\Common7\Tools\spyxx_amd64.exe)
  2. In the menu bar, select Spy -> Log messages... (or hit Ctrl + M)
  3. Check All Windows in System in the Additional Windows frame
  4. Switch to the Messages tab
  5. Click the Clear All button
  6. Select WM_HOTKEY in the listbox, or check Keyboard in Message Groups (if you're OK with more potential noise)
  7. Click the OK button
  8. Press the hotkey in question (Win + R, for example)
  9. Select the WM_HOTKEY line in the Messages (All Windows) window, right click, and select Properties... in the context menu
  10. In the Message Properties dialog, click the Window Handle link (this will be the handle for the window that received the message)
  11. Click the Synchronize button on the Window Properties dialog. This will show the window in the main Spy++ window treeview.
  12. On the Window Properties dialog, select the Process tab
  13. Click the Process ID link. This will show you the process (In my Win + R case: EXPLORER)
por 27.04.2017 / 19:38

Isso provavelmente foi respondido no Stack Overflow neste tópico:

Saiba qual processo registrado uma hotkey global? (API do Windows)

Aqui está a resposta do Pauk :

Your question piqued my interest, so I've done a bit of digging and while, unfortunately I don't have a proper answer for you, I thought I'd share what I have.

I found this example of creating keyboard hook (in Delphi) written in 1998, but is compilable in Delphi 2007 with a couple of tweaks.

It's a DLL with a call to SetWindowsHookEx that passes through a callback function, which can then intercept key strokes: In this case, it's tinkering with them for fun, changing left cursor to right, etc. A simple app then calls the DLL and reports back its results based on a TTimer event. If you're interested I can post the Delphi 2007 based code.

It's well documented and commented and you potentially could use it as a basis of working out where a key press is going. If you could get the handle of the application that sent the key strokes, you could track it back that way. With that handle you'd be able to get the information you need quite easily.

Other apps have tried determining hotkeys by going through their Shortcuts since they can contain a Shortcut key, which is just another term for hotkey. However most applications don't tend to set this property so it might not return much. If you are interested in that route, Delphi has access to IShellLink COM interface which you could use to load a shortcut up from and get its hotkey:

uses ShlObj, ComObj, ShellAPI, ActiveX, CommCtrl;

procedure GetShellLinkHotKey;
  LinkFile : WideString;
  SL: IShellLink;
  PF: IPersistFile;

  HotKey : Word;
  HotKeyMod: Byte;
  HotKeyText : string;
  LinkFile := 'C:\Temp\Temp.lnk';

  OleCheck(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, nil, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IShellLink, SL));

  // The IShellLink implementer must also support the IPersistFile
  // interface. Get an interface pointer to it.
  PF := SL as IPersistFile;

  // Load file into IPersistFile object
  OleCheck(PF.Load(PWideChar(LinkFile), STGM_READ));

  // Resolve the link by calling the Resolve interface function.
  OleCheck(SL.Resolve(0, SLR_ANY_MATCH or SLR_NO_UI));

  // Get hotkey info

  // Extract the HotKey and Modifier properties.
  HotKeyText := '';
  HotKeyMod := Hi(HotKey);

  if (HotKeyMod and HOTKEYF_ALT) = HOTKEYF_ALT then
    HotKeyText := 'ALT+';
    HotKeyText := HotKeyText + 'CTRL+';
  if (HotKeyMod and HOTKEYF_SHIFT) = HOTKEYF_SHIFT then
    HotKeyText := HotKeyText + 'SHIFT+';
  if (HotKeyMod and HOTKEYF_EXT) = HOTKEYF_EXT then
    HotKeyText := HotKeyText + 'Extended+';

  HotKeyText := HotKeyText + Char(Lo(HotKey));

  if (HotKeyText = '') or (HotKeyText = #0) then
    HotKeyText := 'None';

  ShowMessage('Shortcut Key - ' + HotKeyText);

If you've got access to Safari Books Online, there is a good section about working with shortcuts / shell links in the Borland Delphi 6 Developer's Guide by Steve Teixeira and Xavier Pacheco. My example above is a butchered version from there and this site.

Hope that helps!

por 23.07.2009 / 11:54