Como limpar a pasta Windows \ Installer no Windows 10? [duplicado]


Minha pasta C: \ Windows \ Installer é enorme: 14 GB. Meu entendimento é que este é o local onde as atualizações fracassadas vão para morrer, e não deve ser tão grande assim. Qual é a maneira correta de limpá-lo no Windows 10?

por fbo 09.03.2016 / 04:03

1 resposta


Existe uma ferramenta relativamente nova chamada PatchCleaner que detecta e pode excluir arquivos MSI / MSP antigos.


WindowsInstallerDirectoryWhenapplicationsareinstalledandupdatedontheWindowsOperatingSystemahiddendirectory"c:\Windows\Installer" is used to store the installer (.msi) files and the patch (.msp) files.

Generally these files are important as during updating, patching or uninstalling software it will use the .msi/.msp files. If you blanketly delete all the files in this folder, you will find yourself needing to rebuild windows.

Over time as your computer is patched and patched again, these installer files become outdated and orphaned. They are no longer required, but they can take up many gigabytes of data.

PatchCleaner PatchCleaner identifies these redundant/orphaned files and allows you to either:

(Recommended) Move them to another location. If you want to play it safe, just move them to another location, and you can always copy them back. Delete them.

Primeiro, use a opção Mover e aguarde alguns dias antes de excluir os arquivos movidos.

por 09.03.2016 / 06:43