Quais são as diferenças entre o OVF-Version 0.9, 1.0 e 2.0?


Eu tenho o Virtualbox 4.3 e quero exportar VMs diferentes porque estou recuperando meu computador. Quando eu quiser exportar uma VM, posso escolher entre OVF-Format-Version 0.9; 1,0; 2.0

Mas quais são as diferenças entre eles? Como decido qual deles usar?

Eu também quero exportar o estado salvo das VMs.

por SE_Sucks 12.11.2014 / 19:43

2 respostas


Extraia do FAQ do OVF 2.0 :

What are the new improvements/features of OVF 2.0 vs. OVF 1.0?

OVF 1.0 has provided the industry with a standard packaging format for virtual machines – solving a critical business need for software vendors and cloud service providers. OVF 1.0 has been widely adopted to meet this need and is now an international standard (adopted by ISO/IEC in 2011).

OVF 2.0 brings an enhanced set of capabilities to the packaging of virtual machines, making the standard applicable to a broader range of cloud use cases that are emerging as the industry enters the cloud era. The most significant improvements include support for network configuration along with the ability to encrypt the package to ensure safe delivery.

New features of OVF 2.0 include:

  • Improved support for network configuration
  • Package encryption for safe delivery
  • Scaling and deployment options
  • Support for basic placement policies, including affinity and availability placement
  • Shared disks
  • Advanced device boot order
  • Advanced mechanisms for passing data to guest
  • Updated CIM schemas
por 21.04.2015 / 17:28

Minha sugestão é usar a versão 1.0 ou 2.0, pois o OVF Tool 2.0 suporta o OVF versão 1.0 e 1.1 e é retrocompatível com OVF 0.9.

por 12.11.2014 / 20:46