1 .--- Isso pode fazer com que o problema desapareça por pelo menos alguns sites:
RECLAMA e deixe que esses sites saibam que estão DESTRUINDO, não aumentando a segurança de seus usuários. Talvez eles não tenham pensado nisso ...
Aqui está o texto que acabei de copiar de Blog de Chris Bailey que tem seu bookmarklet. (Dica: mantenha isso em seus favoritos) .
- > Sugiro que você envie PARTE dos seguintes itens para qualquer site que precise ser reeducado:
Re-enabling Password Pasting on Annoying Web Forms (v2)
Security is not to be taken lightly so in recent days I’ve become
increasingly frustrated by the insistance of some companies to disable
the facility to paste passwords into login forms. Rather then increase
security, this cripples those of us using password managers such as
KeePass, [LastPass], or 1Password, as the nice long randomly-generated passwords
cannot be simply pasted into the password field. Instead users are
forced to manually type in passwords which will promote the use of
shorter passwords (and thereby weaken security).
I've found this occurring on companies such as Apple, Vodafone and
Thankfully I've found a solution in the form of a bookmarklet. The
original idea came from the blog posting Re-enabling Password Pasting
on Annoying Web Forms by Derek Prior. Unfortunately his method simply
removes the onpaste attribute directly but this doesn't work if the
web site is using an event handling framework such as jQuery. I've
taken Derek’s original code and modified it to work better with these
2 .-- > Experimente o bookmarklet de Chris disponível aqui , mas somente no Chrome, Opera ou Vivaldi quando a página NÃO estiver usando o JQuery:
3 .-- > Peça para alguém escrever um plug-in abrangente para todos os navegadores. Para começar, aqui estão as suas comentários e referência de fonte da página de Chris:
To use the bookmarklet, drag the following link to your browser’s
bookmark bar.
Compatibility Note: The bookmarklet only works in Chrome and Safari
due to the difficulty of reading clipboard data in Firefox. It could
easily be extended to include IE although I don’t have access to a
Windows system to test this. There are other solutions to this problem
in the form of chrome extensions (e.g. Paste ITC Password & Allow
Paste into fields text although I’ve not tested them) and I would
assume similar addons are available for the other browsers. Personally
I like the simplicity of the bookmarklet. The code is hosted on
pastebin if you want to play with it:
(ED: And his source is also listed below this excerpt, on his linked page.)