Experimente o pacote vim-nox
se você não precisar de uma GUI, caso contrário, tente vim-gnome
ou vim-gtk
. Existem vários pacotes vim compilados com diferentes conjuntos de recursos:
% apt-cache search vim | grep vim-
jvim-canna - Japanized VIM (Canna version)
jvim-doc - Documentation for jvim (Japanized VIM)
vim-addon-manager - manager of addons for the Vim editor
vim-gtk - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI
vim-latexsuite - view, edit and compile LaTeX documents from within Vim
vim-nox - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
vim-scripts - plugins for vim, adding bells and whistles
vim-syntax-gtk - Syntax files to highlight GTK+ keywords in vim
vim-vimoutliner - script for building an outline editor on top of Vim
vim-common - Vi IMproved - Common files
vim-dbg - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor (debugging symbols)
vim-doc - Vi IMproved - HTML documentation
vim-gnome - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GNOME2 GUI
vim-gui-common - Vi IMproved - Common GUI files
vim-runtime - Vi IMproved - Runtime files
vim-tiny - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - compact version
vim-rails - plugins for vim to allow easier editing of Rails Applications