Os seguintes produtos foram encontrados listados na Internet, mas eu não os usei.
OCR on-line
Terminal de OCR
OCR Terminal is an online OCR service
that performs Optical Character
Recognition (OCR) on your scanned
images and pdf files and renders them
into editable and text searchable
Free OCR
Free-OCR.com is a free online OCR
(Optical Character Recognition) tool.
You can use this to perform OCR on any
image you supply.
This service is free, no registration
necessary. We also do not need your
email address.
Just upload your image files. Free-OCR
takes either a JPG, GIF, TIFF BMP or
PDF (only first page).
The only restriction is that the
images must not be larger than 2MB, no
wider or higher than 5000 pixels and
there is a limit of 10 image uploads
per hour.
O Maestro Recognition Server é comercial, mas tem uma demonstração on-line.
Software gratuito
FreeOCR - apenas para imagens.
FreeOCR is a scan & OCR program
including the Tesseract free ocr
engine also known as a Tesseract GUI.
It includes a Windows installer and It
is very simple to use and supports
multi-page tiff's, fax documents as
well as most image types including
compressed Tiff's which the Tesseract
engine on its own cannot read .It now
has Twain scanning.
pdfsandwich - pdf - > pdf conversor.
pdfsandwich is a command line tool for OCR scanned books or journals.
It is able to recognize the page layout even for multicolumn text.
Essentially, pdfsandwich is a wrapper script which calls the following binaries:
convert, cuneiform, gs, and hocr2pdf. It is known to run on Unix systems and has
been tested on Linux and MacOS X. It supports parallel processing on multiprocessor systems.