De qualquer forma, para usar o SSMS para conectar-se ao MySql?


Eu comecei a amar o SQL Server Management Studio (ssms), eu percebo que não é compatível com a natureza, no entanto, existe uma maneira de se conectar ao MySQL? Talvez usando uma conexão ODBC?

Sei que existem muitas ferramentas administrativas do MySql, mas seria ótimo usar o SSMS.

Obrigado pela ajuda

por Alex KeySmith 14.07.2010 / 18:31

1 resposta


O esta ajuda? :

Creating a Linked Server in SSMS for a MySQL database

  1. Download the MySQL ODBC driver from
  2. Install MySQL ODBC driver on Server where SQL Server resides -Double Click Windows Installer file and follow directions.

  3. Create a DSN using the MySQL ODBC driver Start-> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)

    • Click on the System DSN tab
    • Click Add
    • Select the MySQL ODBC Driver
    • Click Finish On the Login Tab:
    • Type a descriptive name for your DSN.
    • Type the server name or IP Address into the Server text box.
    • Type the username needed to connect to the MySQL database into the user text box.
    • Type the password needed to connect to the MySQL database into the password text box.
    • Select the database you'd like to start in. On the Advance Tab: Under Flags 1:
    • Check Don't Optimize column width.
    • Check Return Matching Rows
    • Check Allow Big Results
    • Check Use Compressed protocol
    • Check BIGINT columns to INT
    • Check Safe Under Flags 2:
    • Check Don't Prompt Upon Connect
    • Check Ignore # in Table Name Under Flags 3:
    • Check Return Table Names for SQLDescribeCol
    • Check Disable Transactions Now Test your DSN by Clicking the Test button
  4. Create a Linked Server in SSMS for the MySQL database SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio -> Expand Server Objects

    • Right Click Linked Servers -> Select New Linked Server On the General Page:
    • Linked Server: Type the Name for your Linked Server
    • Server Type: Select Other Data Source
    • Provider: Select Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
    • Product name: Type MySQLDatabase
    • Data Source: Type the name of the DSN you created On The Security Page
    • Map a login to the Remote User and provide the Remote Users Password
    • Click Add under Local server login to remote server login mappings:
    • Select a Local Login From the drop down box
    • Type the name of the Remote User
    • Type the password for the Remote User
  5. Change the Properties of the Provider MSDASQL Expand Providers -> Right Click MSDASQL -> Select Properties

    • Enable Nested queries
    • Enable Level zero only (this one's the kicker)
    • Enable Allow inprocess
    • Enable Supports 'Like' operator
  6. Change settings in SQL Server Surface Area Configuration for Features

    • Enable OPENROWSET and OPENDATASOURCE support.
  7. Change settings in SQL Server Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections

    • Enable Local and Remote connections via TCP/IP and named pipes
  8. Stop SQL Server and SQL Server Agent

  9. Start SQL Server and SQL Server Agent
por 14.07.2010 / 19:47
