Para alguns programas que usam um "Rich Edit Control" (acabei de testar com o Word 2007 e funciona), este método deve funcionar, como descrito aqui :
There is a fifth related method, but it does not actually use the numeric keypad:
HexadecimalUnicode, ALT+X
Enter a Unicode value in hexadecimal (EG: Enter 00A5 for U+00A5), then press ALT+X or ALT+SHIFT+CTRL+F12 to yield ¥. Note that this shortcut does not actually use the numeric keypad. Later versions of Word or Wordpad, or anything that uses a "Rich Edit Control". (FYI: Typing ALT+SHIFT+x converts the Unicode character preceding the insertion point to the corresponding Unicode hexadecimal value.)
- EG: 100, ALT+X yields Ā in Wordpad but does nothing in Notepad.
- Dr. International:
- 'This method should work in both Wordpad on Windows XP SP1 and Word 2002 and Word 2003, but it does not work in Notepad.'