Ao pesquisar um destinatário com base no texto digitado nos campos "Para", "CC" ou "Cco", o preenchimento automático analisa os seguintes campos:
Display Name (i.e. Jane K. Doe)
Primary SMTP E-mail address (i.e. [email protected])
Exchange Alias (i.e. janedoe)
legacyExchangeDN attribute in Active Directory (more on this later)
O preenchimento automático NÃO pesquisa nenhum dos seguintes critérios:
First Name (if it is different from the display name, for example if the display name contained a nickname instead of the legal first name, which is listed in the recipients’ “first name” field in Active Directory)
Last Name (unless one of the above four fields starts with the last name)
Username (unless one of the above four fields starts with the username, or is set to match the username)