O Octopus Deploy tem alguns scripts do PowerShell da comunidade, que você pode encontrar aqui link
Este é o conteúdo de um deles, que tem novas tentativas:
# Load IIS module:
Import-Module WebAdministration
# Get AppPool Name
$appPoolName = $OctopusParameters['appPoolName']
# Get the number of retries
$retries = $OctopusParameters['appPoolCheckRetries']
# Get the number of attempts
$delay = $OctopusParameters['appPoolCheckDelay']
# Check if exists
if(Test-Path IIS:\AppPools\$appPoolName) {
# Stop App Pool if not already stopped
if ((Get-WebAppPoolState $appPoolName).Value -ne "Stopped") {
Write-Output "Stopping IIS app pool $appPoolName"
Stop-WebAppPool $appPoolName
$state = (Get-WebAppPoolState $appPoolName).Value
$counter = 1
# Wait for the app pool to the "Stopped" before proceeding
$state = (Get-WebAppPoolState $appPoolName).Value
Write-Output "$counter/$retries Waiting for IIS app pool $appPoolName to shut down completely. Current status: $state"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $delay
while($state -ne "Stopped" -and $counter -le $retries)
# Throw an error if the app pool is not stopped
if($counter -gt $retries) {
throw "Could not shut down IIS app pool $appPoolName. 'nTry to increase the number of retries ($retries) or delay between attempts ($delay milliseconds)." }
else {
Write-Output "$appPoolName already Stopped"
else {
Write-Output "IIS app pool $appPoolName doesn't exist"
O que vem deste modelo de biblioteca link