Que formato de arquivo / formato de banco de dados o Picasa usa?


Estou tentando descobrir qual formato de arquivo o arquivo .db e os arquivos .pmp são. Eu tentei usar db_dump (Berkeley DB) para os arquivos .db, mas parece que eles não são Berkeley DB, ou de uma versão mais antiga. Não tenho ideia do que são os arquivos .PMP.

Directory of C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Google\Picasa2\db3
 6/09/2010  08:07 PM           303,748 imagedata_uid64.pmp
 1/18/2010  10:34 PM             4,885 imagedata_unification_lhlist.pmp
 6/09/2010  10:55 PM           155,752 imagedata_width.pmp
 6/09/2010  10:55 PM     1,286,346,614 previews_0.db
 6/10/2010  10:06 AM           467,168 previews_index.db

Qualquer ajuda apreciada.

por Raymond 10.06.2010 / 21:01

3 respostas


.PMP é um formato de propriedade do Picasa, usado para armazenar informações sobre imagens. ( Referência )

(Nota: a postagem do blog abaixo referenciada é datada, não tenho certeza da relevância / correção dela para a versão atual do Picasa)

Mais informações:

in the db2 directory there are a number of files. The important files for this are albumdata_token.pmp, albumdata_uid.pmp and albumdata_name.pmp

Here are the contents of the files:

albumdata_name.pmp -

this is the name of the albums in picasa. The first two are defaults and are not included in any of the other files.

Starred Photos





Sample Pictures 


albumdata_uid.pmp - This is where the hashes are.







Here's we see the uid applied to create a token for the albums. Note that "star" and "screensaver" do not have uids.








Now, if we look at the lastalbumselected value in the registry, we can pair it up to the hash since these files are all listed in the same order. If you exclude star and screensaver you can see that the lastalbumselected for me was sam3.

You can even go one step further if you include albumdata_filename.pmp. This file also matches up to the other files, except I forgot to mention one thing. "root" is literally the root of the logical drive that picasa searched(in this case C:), so it is excluded from albumdata_filename.pmp. This file contains the path to where the images are stored.

Other files to pay attention to:





These all follow the good old thumbs.db structure and contain thumbnails of all of the images at various resolutions, since picasa can send files directly to photo processing businesses.

One other thing that is of pretty vital importance in terms of proving that someone created an album and that the program didn't just index something.

In the Picasa2Albums directory you'll see a file for each of the album(s) created by the user under the folder using the DBID as its name. Below are the contents of the album I created stored in a file named {c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d.pal.




'property name="uid" type="string" value="c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d">

'property name="category" type="num" value="0"> 

'property name="date" type="real64" value="39272.630035"

'property name="token" type="string" value="]album:c332f1814ff6d4f21dbb41b41149544d"

'property name="name" type="string" value="Sammy"








por 10.06.2010 / 21:22

Eu adicionei uma resposta no Stackoverflow para uma pergunta semelhante sobre .pmp files, que também aponta para algumas notas parciais que escrevi sobre o formato desses arquivos.

por 13.12.2011 / 00:03

Você pode tentar ler o banco de dados do Picasa exportando o utilitário picasa ( link ). É beta e feedbacks são bem-vindos.

por 01.05.2013 / 21:44