Vagrant Reports Versão GuestAdditions diferente instalada


Parece que existem mensagens na Internet sobre problemas semelhantes como este, mas não consegui fazê-lo funcionar.

SO do host: Mac OS X 10.11.1 (El Capitan) Convidado OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Virtualbox 5.0.8 Vagabundo 1.7.4

$ reload vagrant

==> default: Machine booted and ready!
Got different reports about installed GuestAdditions version:
Virtualbox on your host claims:   4.3.10
VBoxService inside the vm claims: 5.0.8
Going on, assuming VBoxService is correct...
GuestAdditions seems to be installed (5.0.8) correctly, but not running.
Got different reports about installed GuestAdditions version:
Virtualbox on your host claims:   4.3.10
VBoxService inside the vm claims: 5.0.8
Going on, assuming VBoxService is correct...
stdin: is not a tty
Usage: service  | --status-all | [ service_name [ command | --full-restart ] ]
bash: line 3: vboxadd: command not found
Got different reports about installed GuestAdditions version:
Virtualbox on your host claims:   4.3.10
VBoxService inside the vm claims: 5.0.8
Going on, assuming VBoxService is correct...
stdin: is not a tty
Removing existing VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules ...done.
Removing existing VirtualBox non-DKMS kernel modules ...done.
Building the VirtualBox Guest Additions kernel modules ...done.
Doing non-kernel setup of the Guest Additions ...done.
You should restart your guest to make sure the new modules are actually used

Restarting VM to apply changes...
==> default: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
    default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
    default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
    default: Warning: Connection timeout. Retrying...
    default: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
    default: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
    default: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
    default: Warning: Remote connection disconnect. Retrying...
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
    default: The guest additions on this VM do not match the installed version of
    default: VirtualBox! In most cases this is fine, but in rare cases it can
    default: prevent things such as shared folders from working properly. If you see
    default: shared folder errors, please make sure the guest additions within the
    default: virtual machine match the version of VirtualBox you have installed on
    default: your host and reload your VM.
    default: Guest Additions Version: 4.3.10
    default: VirtualBox Version: 5.0
==> default: Setting hostname...
==> default: Configuring and enabling network interfaces...
==> default: Mounting shared folders...
    default: /vagrant => /Users/martin/VMs/cloudperf
==> default: Machine already provisioned. Run 'vagrant provision' or use the '--provision'
==> default: flag to force provisioning. Provisioners marked to run always will still run.

No entanto, os comandos a seguir mostram as informações corretas:

$ vagrant vbguest --status
GuestAdditions 5.0.8 running --- OK.
$ VBoxManage guestproperty get  /VirtualBox/GuestAdd/Version
Value: 5.0.8

Eu tenho outras duas VMs vagadoras rodando o CentOS sem problemas.

Qualquer ajuda é apreciada.

por GreenTeaTech 08.11.2015 / 19:44

2 respostas


Eu recebo:

Got different reports about installed GuestAdditions version:
Virtualbox on your host claims:   4.3.20
VBoxService inside the vm claims: 5.0.10   
Going on, assuming VBoxService is correct...
GuestAdditions 5.0.10 running --- OK.
Got different reports about installed GuestAdditions version:
Virtualbox on your host claims:   4.3.20
VBoxService inside the vm claims: 5.0.10
Going on, assuming VBoxService is correct...

Às vezes tudo está bem, mas com mais freqüência agora um problema é relatado. Parece ser resultados escamosos de consultar o VirtualBox sobre a versão.

Meu VirtualBox é a versão 5.0.10 r104061; versão vbguest 0.11.0

vbguest --status me dá:

$ vagrant vbguest --status
Got different reports about installed GuestAdditions version:
Virtualbox on your host claims:   4.3.20
VBoxService inside the vm claims: 5.0.10
Going on, assuming VBoxService is correct...
GuestAdditions 5.0.10 running --- OK.

É um disparate; caixa virtual é 5.0.10

vboxmanage --version me dá 5.0.10r104061, o que é correto.

Portanto, isso parece ser um erro mais vb.

por 21.12.2015 / 16:06

Apenas tente atualizar tudo. VirtualBox, VirtualBoxAddons e Vagrant. Se você não conseguir se conectar à VM usando o Vagrant, abra o VirtualBox e inicie-o aqui.

por 11.08.2016 / 16:54