SSL - qual é o motivo para desabilitar o suporte ao SSL v2?


Tenho notado muitos guias dizendo que você deve desativar o suporte ao SSL v2 durante a configuração do SSL em um servidor da Web.

Não consigo entender o motivo. Alguém pode me dizer por que, por favor?

por dan 15.02.2011 / 15:19

1 resposta


Wikipedia :

SSL 2.0 is flawed in a variety of ways:1

  • Identical cryptographic keys are used for message authentication and encryption.
  • SSL 2.0 has a weak MAC construction that uses the MD5 hash function with a secret prefix, making it vulnerable to length extension attacks.
  • SSL 2.0 does not have any protection for the handshake, meaning a man-in-the-middle downgrade attack can go undetected.
  • SSL 2.0 uses the TCP connection close to indicate the end of data. This means that truncation attacks are possible: the attacker simply forges a TCP FIN, leaving the recipient unaware of an illegitimate end of data message (SSL 3.0 fixes this problem by having an explicit closure alert).
  • SSL 2.0 assumes a single service and a fixed domain certificate, which clashes with the standard feature of virtual hosting in Web servers. This means that most websites are practically impaired from using SSL. TLS/SNI fixes this but is not deployed in Web servers as yet.


por 15.02.2011 / 15:26
