O Windows 8.1 não ativa a proteção de tela, o desligamento do monitor ou o modo de suspensão


Alguma idéia do que causaria isso? Nenhum aplicativo executado ativamente deve impedir que isso aconteça: OneDrive, Steam, WhatPulse, puush e f.lux. Eu tenho opções de energia para ativar a proteção de tela, desligar o monitor e, eventualmente, dormir quando ocioso. Nenhum desses dispara.

por Craig 06.02.2015 / 09:28

2 respostas


Como consertar o modo de espera sem problemas de trabalho

If Windows 8.1 refuses to sleep or won’t go in sleep mode, then this post will show you how to fix the Sleep Mode not working problem

Recently, we have seen how to enable or disable password requirement at wake up. After upgrading one of my system running Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, I have found that the sleep functionality was no longer working on that system.

In order to fix this issue, we need to correctly configure Windows Power Plan settings. Here is the way to fix this problem.

Windows 8.1 Sleep Mode not working

  1. Press Windows Key + W and type troubleshooting in the search box. Click on the Troubleshooting from the search results so obtained.

  2. In the following window, from the left hand side listed options, click on View all.

  3. Moving on, pick Power from the list so available, this would launch the Power Troubleshooter.

  4. In the Power Troubleshooter, you have to click Next option. This will start the automatic detection and fixing of issues.

  5. When the troubleshooting has been completed, you can click Close.

Now you can reboot the machine, after restart, you’ll find that the issue is already fixed.

Source Modo Sleep não funciona no Windows 8.1

O link acima também inclui capturas de tela para as instruções, bem como alguns outros links que também podem ajudar.

por 06.02.2015 / 10:57

Verifique se há um arquivo .scr intitulado com o nome do seu protetor de tela presente na pasta System32 ( C:\WINDOWS\System32 ).

por 05.02.2018 / 22:13