Não há necessidade de votação ou de especulação. A Microsoft é bastante clara sobre sua política de entrar em contato com os clientes por telefone - eles afirmam que nunca fazem chamadas não solicitadas desse tipo.
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Avoid scams that use the Microsoft name fraudulently
Common scams that use the Microsoft name
- Someone from "Microsoft Tech Support" calls to fix your computer
Avoid these dangerous hoaxes
If you receive an unsolicited email message or phone call that purports to be from Microsoft and requests that you send personal information or click links, delete the message or hang up the phone..
Microsoft does not make unsolicited phone calls to help you fix your computer
In this scam cybercriminals call you and claim to be from Microsoft Tech Support. They offer to help solve your computer problems. Once the crooks have gained your trust, they attempt to steal from you and damage your computer with malicious software including viruses and spyware.
Treat all unsolicited phone calls with skepticism. Do not provide any personal information
If you receive an unsolicited call from someone claiming to be from Microsoft Tech Support, hang up. We do not make these kinds of calls.