Por que o Firefox consome toda a minha memória e como posso pará-lo?


Eu posso ter apenas uma instância do Firefox aberta, aberta a um site como o Google ou o Stack Overflow, e ver isso consumindo mais de 600.000 KB de memória. Isso parece excessivo. Algo suspeito está acontecendo aqui? Existe algo que eu possa fazer para evitar que isso aconteça?

por Abe Miessler 22.07.2010 / 20:27

5 respostas


Sabe-se que o Firefox tem um enorme problema de vazamento de memória.


  1. Abra o Firefox e vá para a Barra de Endereços. Digite about: config e, em seguida, pressione Enter .

  2. Clique com o botão direito na página e selecione Novo - > Booleano .

  3. Na caixa que aparece, digite config.trim_on_minimize . Pressione Enter .

  4. Agora selecione True e pressione Enter .

  5. Reinicie o Firefox.

por 22.07.2010 / 20:47

Experimente também:

1- Fetch only pages that you click

Firefox mostly resembles to Google from this point of view. It has a built-in feature (enabled by default) that will pre-download the pages behind the links it thinks you MIGHT click. Google anticipates you might click the first result from the page, but how in the world can Firefox anticipate the link you’re going to click? Anyway, in my opinion this is just useless bandwidth usage, CPU power and HDD space. You’re practically downloading and storing pages you are not viewing. Here’s how you stop that in three simple steps.

In the about:config list, filter up your search after ‘network’ so it would be easier for you. Then, find through the remaining list options the key that says network.prefetch-next. It should be set to TRUE. Double click it, and it will turn to false. There we go, now Firefox will stop acting creepy and will only fetch what you click ;)

2- Limit the RAM usage

Although it’s not taking up THAT much memory as other browser, shortly, it still does. But you have a way to control that. It’s just a simple configuration setting and you’ll get the numbers to be more comfortable. Filter up your search after “browser.cache” and select browser.cache.memory.capacity from the remaining options. I believe the default setting goes all the way up to 50000, but there’s no need for that. You have to adjust the value depending on the amount of RAM memory you have installed. For RAM sizes between 512MB and 1GB, start with 15000. For RAM sizes between 128MB and 512M, try 5000, and you will be happy of the result.

3- Reducing the RAM usage even more when Firefox gets minimized

I got an extremely low usage on this one. Somewhere around 10MB, so it’s definitely a must-do. Basically, this will move Firefox to your hard drive when you minimize it, and as a result it will take up much less memory. It won’t even go back to the same high usage after you restore it. Even if Firefox will be located in your HDD instead of your RAM, I can assure you the restoration speed will be the same, with no delays.

All you have to do is right click your about:config page, select New and click Boolean. A box will appear and you will have to enter config.trim_on_minimize as value. The boolean value should be set to TRUE in the next screen, and that’s it. Test it after restarting Firefox.

4- Make pages load faster

Most browsers are configured for dial-up users. Tweak the settings for your optimal use. Filter out the list after “network” then search for the key that says network.http.pipelining and set it to TRUE. You may alter the key below (network.http.pipelining.maxrequests) and change it into a higher value - 10 for example. Voila, your pages will load much faster now.

por 23.07.2010 / 18:34

Para eliminar os complementos, desative-os no link do modo de segurança e veja a quantidade de memória está sendo ocupado.

por 22.07.2010 / 22:44

Recentemente, comecei a ter esse problema, juntamente com o congelamento total. Para mim, foi totalmente resolvido apenas desabilitando plugin-container.exe usando instruções encontradas em link

por 22.07.2010 / 21:13

Eu tentei de várias maneiras desde que comecei a usar o Firefox, e nenhuma delas funcionou. Então, normalmente, apenas reinicio quando está lento.

por 22.07.2010 / 21:59