A partir de (até onde eu sei) tmux 2.1
, há uma nova opção de estilo que cuida disso com bastante facilidade:
window-active-style style
Set the style for the window's active pane. For how to specify style, see
the message-command-style option.
Por exemplo,
setw -g window-active-style 'bg=black'
Você pode usar qualquer um dos estilos padrão, aqui extraídos do man tmux
message-command-style style
Set status line message command style, where style is a comma-separated
list of characteristics to be specified.
These may be 'bg=colour' to set the background colour, 'fg=colour' to set
the foreground colour, and a list of attributes as specified below.
The colour is one of: black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan,
white, aixterm bright variants (if supported: brightred, brightgreen, and
so on), colour0 to colour255 from the 256-colour set, default, or a
hexadecimal RGB string such as '#ffffff', which chooses the closest match
from the default 256-colour set.
The attributes is either none or a comma-delimited list of one or more of:
bright (or bold), dim, underscore, blink, reverse, hidden, or italics, to
turn an attribute on, or an attribute prefixed with 'no' to turn one off.
Examples are:
With the -a flag to the set-option command the new style is added
otherwise the existing style is replaced.