Terminal entre dois monitores


Eu tenho dois monitores de 24 "conectados ao meu Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.
Para alguns propósitos, seria útil maximizar o meu Terminal em ambos os Monitores como uma grande janela.
Eu posso arrastar uma janela maior com o mouse, mas existe uma maneira melhor?

por CookieCrash 22.07.2014 / 09:17

1 resposta


Este link pode ser útil. Mas todas as janelas serão maximizadas para os dois monitores, não apenas para o terminal.

Citando a resposta do link :

This is possible by manually telling Compiz the screen output size, using the combined resolution of the two monitors. That's where the limitation kicks in: both displays need to have the same (vertical) resolution for this to make sense (else you'd end up with cut off content on the smaller screen or dead space on the bigger one).

For example, with two monitors with 1920x1080 resolution, you'd:

  • Open the CompizConfig Settings Manager (if you haven't already, install the compizconfig-settings-manager package) and go to the General Options plugin.
  • On the Display Settings tab, disable the Detect Outputs checkbox, select the 640x480+0+0 entry and click on Edit,
  • Now change this to 3840x1080+0+0 and hit close.

enter image description here

Compiz should now treat your multi-monitor setup as one big output.

por 02.07.2015 / 07:06