Talvez você possa fazer sua própria versão do WindowsPE e criar scripts de uma instalação personalizada do Windows 7 a partir dali?
Estou olhando para as documentações agora, mas infelizmente o Windows 7 é claro que ainda não é bem suportado.
Se eu conseguir encontrar algo mais, atualizarei.
- Mais informações sobre o WinPE 2.0: um tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to add features to Win PE 2.0 etc. When you get to the part about making the ISO, which is not necessary. However, copying the winpe.wim to the /sources is important and renaming it to boot.wim. Now we simply need to copy everything located at C:\winpe\iso to your jumpdrive's root directory. (C:\ being the name of where you put winpe). Once you have it copied, you now have a bootable version of WinPE 2.0 on a jumpdrive. Now it is time to copy the windows file. I made separate directories for each version of windows (Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7) and copy the CD files straight to that. If it is in .iso format, mount the ISO and copy the files that way or burn the .iso to a CD/DVD then copy it. We need all the files from each CD/DVD or Image in the folder. Once that has been done, you now have all 3 operating systems on one bootable jumpdrive. Let's boot into WinPE 2.0 on a system you would like to install one of the three operating systems.
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