Para que serve o “Intel Turbo Boost Technology Driver”?


Qual é o objetivo do Driver de tecnologia Intel Turbo Boost ?

Não parece ser necessário que o Turbo Boost funcione corretamente, então o que ele faz?

por Mehrdad 25.03.2012 / 22:25

1 resposta


O objetivo do driver da tecnologia Intel® Turbo Boost é descrito na página de perguntas frequentes do driver :

What is Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 and how does it work?

Intel® Turbo Boost Max Technology 3.0 uses a driver coupled with information stored in the CPU to identify and direct workloads to the fastest core on the die first. The driver also allows for custom configuration via a whitelist that enables end users to set priority to preferred applications. The driver MUST be present on the system and configured correctly, as current operating systems cannot effectively route workloads to ordered cores.

por 04.03.2017 / 22:59