Como mover completamente a pasta ProgramData de uma partição para outra partição?


Eu tenho um sistema Windows 7 que contém uma pasta ProgramData na unidade C.

Agora preciso mover completamente essa pasta da unidade C para a unidade D.

Qual é a melhor maneira de fazer isso?

por vettori 06.07.2012 / 11:56

2 respostas


A unidade do sistema não pode ser D ; tem que ser C . Você pode mover dados de um HD para outro ou mover dados de uma partição para outra.

Você precisa usar o software clone para fazer isso.

No entanto, se você quiser mover ou alterar ProgramData ,

There is nothing important in ProgramData that would not be recreated by the various applications you install. It is just application configuration data.

The default path is C:\ProgramData.  It is stored here:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ProgramData


  1. You can change your default ProgramData path to be an alternative drive. Although doing so, all new users that are created will use the new programdata path. So you may end up having two ProgramData folders at the end of the data.
  2. Alternatively, you could use “NTFS Junction Points”. Not many people know of this, but a junction point is a way to force all programs that write to path (C:\ProgramData) to be redirected to (D:\ProgramData). This is how old programs designed for XP can easily work with Vista and Windows 7 new folder locations (Documents and settings replaced with Users).

    So you could create a junction point specifically for the tmp directory that is created by the GR.

    mkdir D:\ProgramData
    robocopy /XJ /MIR "C:\ProgramData" "D:\ProgramData"
    mklink /J "C:\ProgramData" "D:\ProgramData"

The downside is that Windows Update does not work well with program data on a separate drive. See Relocation of the Users directory and the ProgramData directory to a drive other than the drive that contains the Windows directory.


por 06.07.2012 / 12:27
por 06.07.2012 / 12:33