Dterm para linux?


Existe algo semelhante ao DTerm disponível para Linux?

por melissavoegeli 26.11.2010 / 21:35

2 respostas


Guake é o mais próximo que posso pensar. É um terminal suspenso como o DTerm, mas não muda automaticamente para o diretório do documento atual.

por 26.11.2010 / 22:12

Sim, você pode usar o dterm .

dterm is a simple terminal emulator, which doesn't actually emulate any particular terminal. Mainly, it is designed for use with xterm and friends, which already do a perfectly good emulation, and therefore don't need any special help; dterm simply provides a means by which keystrokes are forwarded to the serial line, and data forwarded from the serial line appears on the terminal.

dterm is invoked thusly:

dterm [options|device ...] 

dterm attempts to read the file ~/.dtermrc for options; if this doesn't exist, it tries /etc/dtermrc. Then it parses the options passed on the command line.

The options read should include a device name, e.g "ttyS0" or "ttyd0" for the first serial port on a Linux or FreeBSD system respectively. If no device is specified, dterm tries /dev/ttyS0, /dev/ttyd0, /dev/ttyUSB0 and /dev/ttyU0.

Once started, dterm can be got into command mode using Ctrl/]. Press enter once from command mode to get back into conversational mode. (The command character can be changed with the esc= option, e.g. esc=p to use Ctrl/P instead of Ctrl/].)

por 26.11.2010 / 22:15